
Specialties Emergency


Can I just say I'm sorry. Sorry u waited until 2am on a Saturday night to bring your relatively healthy kid to the ER with symptoms that have been going on for 3 days!. Sorry u didn't get the timely treatment u rightfully deserve! Sorry you had to WAIT, while more urgent matters were attended to. Sorry I didn't treat your kid like they were dying! I also recognize its MY fault that your kid has been out "all night" waiting for slow, unsatisfactory care. Sorry u feel that perhaps u should have just waited until Monday to get them in to their regular doc (hmmm). And YOU'RE WELCOME for being allowed to use me as a punching bag for your poor parenting choices!

Oh, and if you aren't capable of securing you 46" television, I'm sure it's my fault it fell on your kid to start with! If the X-ray doesn't show a break why does your kid c/o pain? Lets revisit the 46" tv thing again shall we?

" When asked if her kids were current on vaccinations, she scoffed and said she'd never vaccinate (like the vaccination poses the greatest harm to her children). Apparently she's never heard of an ounce of prevention..."


Isn't the choice to not vaccinate irrelevant? Vaccines aren't entirely safe and I doubt that her children's respiratory illnesses are related to not being vaccinated. To each his own.

Specializes in Emergency.
" When asked if her kids were current on vaccinations, she scoffed and said she'd never vaccinate (like the vaccination poses the greatest harm to her children). Apparently she's never heard of an ounce of prevention..."


Isn't the choice to not vaccinate irrelevant? Vaccines aren't entirely safe and I doubt that her children's respiratory illnesses are related to not being vaccinated. To each his own.

Not entirely safe? What's your evidenced based source for that statement?

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

My son was in the NICU for 3+mo, had 4 surgeries, and still continuing issues. He is now nearly 30. Much of this stuff has resolved, but if we go to see a new HCP, I print a 1 page document highlighting the imp't things, and I use 14 pt font to make it easy to read.

Most of them greatly appreciate not being handed a 5 volume chart to figure out. He doesn't go to the docs nearly as often as when he was little, thankfully.

Isn't the choice to not vaccinate irrelevant? Vaccines aren't entirely safe and I doubt that her children's respiratory illnesses are related to not being vaccinated. To each his own.

Not entirely safe? What's your evidenced based source for that statement?

Oh please, let's not go there with a vaccine debate, just agree to disagree and perhaps agree that vaccines are considered a choice (even though, I'm guessing the choice that was made was to just not take the kids to the docs for routine visits as ER's do not give routine ones)

Specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN.

bela&jackson's mom, I can see you are a compassionate person, but I find it amazing that all of these parents who were vaccinated as children are choosing to put their own children in danger. Diseases that had almost no chance of occurring in this country are making comebacks and they're ok with it. I wish they could see what polio looks like before they decide to ignore hundreds of years of research.

World Health Organization:

In 2008, WHO estimated that 1.5 million of deaths among children under 5 years were due to diseases that could have been prevented by routine vaccination. This represents 17% of global total mortality in children under 5 years of age

Small_cause_of_VPDs_deaths.jpg WHO | Vaccine-preventable diseases

Frequently Asked Questions About Immunizations - Kids - MSN Healthy Living

General article

CDC - Vaccine Safety

Center for Disease Control

Responding to Parental Refusals of Immunization of Children

American Academy of Pediatrics

Not entirely safe? What's your evidenced based source for that statement? Vaccine adverse event reporting system and NVIC, National vaccine injury compensation program. Two government programs designed to report and compensate for injuries from vaccines. I'm sorry to turn this into a debate, however, no medications come without side effects and many, many people have suffered injury from vaccines. Some children have been left with permanent disabilities and others have died. Although the pharmaceutical companies continue to produce safer vaccines, it is still the right of every parent to decide what is best for their child. It isn't fir to be judged and labeled as a bad parent because you decided to make an educated decision about how to raise your child. If the next parent you come across who made the decision to not vaccinate their children is anything like me, it is a decision that they made after they did research, weighed the pro's and con's, read articles and parent testimony from both sides, and from credible sources, but at the end of the day their gut feeling was to not vaccinate their child.

NurseOnAMotorcycle- I know, the statistics are showing a come back of these diseases and it's terrible. I would never try to convince a parent to not immunize their children. I just hate to be judged for my decision. I had an ER nurse look at my 18 month old baby and tell her "don't talk to anyone in my ER, you're probably crawling with diseases" then she looked at me and said "you know your kids probably gunna die, right?" (yes, she said "gunna" lol). That was 9 years ago and she's healthy as can be. I wish there was a safer alternative and I hope that the majority of parents continue to vaccinate. Just try not to judge those who don't, it's really unfair and most people I have come across really have no idea what their talking about. I felt that I was putting them in danger either way, and I'm not ok with the fact that these diseases are coming back, I just had to do what I felt was best and safest for my own children.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

We all realize that immunizations are a polarizing debate. You may start another thread to discuss the advantages/disadvantage of immunizations.

However, the OP meant this thread to talk about the crazy things that we as emergency nurses see and hear from parents while working in the ED and the things that drives us crazy.

Please stick to the subject of the thread

daviex Apr 10

Can I just say I'm sorry. Sorry u waited until 2am on a Saturday night to bring your relatively healthy kid to the ER with symptoms that have been going on for 3 days!. Sorry u didn't get the timely treatment u rightfully deserve! Sorry you had to WAIT, while more urgent matters were attended to. Sorry I didn't treat your kid like they were dying! I also recognize its MY fault that your kid has been out "all night" waiting for slow, unsatisfactory care. Sorry u feel that perhaps u should have just waited until Monday to get them in to their regular doc (hmmm). And YOU'RE WELCOME for being allowed to use me as a punching bag for your poor parenting choices!

Oh, and if you aren't capable of securing you 46" television, I'm sure it's my fault it fell on your kid to start with! If the X-ray doesn't show a break why does your kid c/o pain? Lets revisit the 46" tv thing again shall we?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Emergency, CEN.
Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

Thats ok....;)

I also find the hardest thing to triage is the toddler with their first chin lac and convince the parents that this is a survivable injury.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

((HUGS)) to you both!!!! :inlove:

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