Scripps new grad program summer 2013

U.S.A. California


Thought I would post another thread on here for the scripps new grad program starting this summer as applications are open for internals and soon will open for externals. I myself am an internal, applied Monday, and have an interview already set for May 7th... Good luck to all!!!

Hello everyone!

Does any one know what the difference is between the NEW GRAD RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAM - FALL 2013


How did you see the exact number?

It states the number of openings in the job posting.

Thank you db2xs!! I did just that! I hope you were able to apply stress-free! :)

Thanks! You too!

That application was quite something, wasn't it? I had to fill out my application over a span of three hours because I'm chair of a student club and we were meeting for quite some time. I don't know if I made it into the cohort of "first 500 applicants," but I am leaving this all up to Universe. :-)

Hello everyone!

Does any one know what the difference is between the NEW GRAD RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAM - FALL 2013


Hi SD_RN!! I would like to know the same!! I only applied to the residency training program.

I too only applied to the residency training program. I wish I had saved my supplemental question answers -__-

wow that took a long time to complete! I finished everything around 11:30AM. Anyone know what time the 500 cut-off has occurred in the past? My only hope is that it took everyone else quite awhile to complete also.

And I only applied to the Fall 2013 new grad resident training....didnt even see the LJ-DEU June/August one...???

Thanks! You too!

That application was quite something, wasn't it? I had to fill out my application over a span of three hours because I'm chair of a student club and we were meeting for quite some time. I don't know if I made it into the cohort of "first 500 applicants," but I am leaving this all up to Universe. :-)

It definitely WAS something else! This is only the second new grad app I have done. I was stressed cause once I got to the Sim questions I realized my browsers all did not have the correct java, flash, etc ): haha but I barely submitted Sim and the talentmine at almost noon ): oh well! Hopefully I made it into the first 500. I agree, leaving it up to the Universe and just hope it goes well for the both of us! (:

Good luck, everybody! I submitted my application a little before noon and finished the Talentmine and Sim questions around 12:30. I feel like I didn't make the cut-off, but that would be crazy!!! Gheesh. And did anybody receive their Talentmine score? I didn't see anything, but it says I submitted...Thanks!

my talentmine sim isn't loading. Does that mean I missed the deadline?

Have you applied before? If you have applied within the last 12 months and completed the Talentmine and sim, then they use your previous scores...

Ya. when you apply for it this is what it says:

This posting is for our June and August dedicated education unit new grad programs at La Jolla Memorial Hospital. 3 candidates will be selected for the June program and 6 will be selected for the August program.

FYI i called HR today and tried to ask about the # of openings and when they reached the 500 mark. I don't think the guy knew what he was talking about because he told me that there were only 2 openings. When I further asked about there being 2 residency applications, but how many positions they anticipate within the Fall 2013 Residency, he still said 2......but we know that the La Jolla DEU opening has at least 9 positions...and then he said they hadn't reached 500 applicants thought I would pass along the info, but take it all with a grain of salt...I don't think its right at all...

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