Published Apr 28, 2004
3 Posts
HI. Wanted to get involved with this great site and find out what you think. I'm 28 yr old male and pursuing the idea of nursing. From what I understand everybody is getting knocked back from uni because of the entry score. I'm actually too complicated to do work experience(age and insurance) but am doing observation in May for two days at one hospital in Sydney and meeting the head nurse in charge of hiring at the Childrens hospital to see if I'm dreaming or not. My worst worry is all the studying at uni because I'm more of a practical person. UTS website says it has the most practical hands on course available, so I'm making that uni a priority( What do people think of UTS?). If any one is interseted to give me some pointers, please do. :)
Also what do you think of doing ward person work to get more hospital experince?
7 Posts
28yrs old is most definatley NOT 2 late 2 get started, its actually not late at all. I have over a dozen people over 40 at my uni in Perth. The majority are probably over 24.... I think you can get into the course by sitting a exam 4 mature age students if you have past yr 12 levels.Otherwise you can always do the 1st 2 yrs at tafe doing your enrolled nurse degree then transfer to uni to complete RN. It only works out about 6months longer (dont quote me) and a whole lot cheaper. Look around the uni's if u want alot of practical work- it varies from uni 2 uni. Hope it helps!
50 Posts
through the grape vine i've heard that UTS offers a great nursing program
4,177 Posts
Studying Is A Nightmare When You Are Inschool But It Makes You Worth Your Salt As For Working A Ward (i Assume This Is The Equilivant Of Our Cna) Anything You Learn Is Helpful And It Might Lead You Into The Type Of Nursing You Wish To Persue Good Luck
Farkinott, RN
581 Posts
Going to uni to get your bachelor's is a great idea. The theoretical work is tough but without it you can't guide your practice. Working in a hospital as in any capacity during your study is a great way to either apply or observe some of the skills you will learn. The suggestion about going to TAFE is a good one too, but it would make the aquiring of a degree another year or to further away. Good Luck!
276 Posts
I'm 40, and I'm not oldest in my class. Good luck!
Hi. thanks for the feedback.I 'm really encouraged by the feedback on age not being an issue-that was a worry. After the observation nursing at hospital I'm going to make up my mind to study. Any body doing there first year at the moment?? What's it like??:)
164 Posts
Hi there offshorepanda, I'm in my first year, although I actually went part-time last year due to moving house and my children moving to a new school etc. so I'm doing the degree in four years instead of three.
Anyway, I would say go for it. It can be a little overwhelming in the beginning but stick with it, once you get the first couple of weeks over with and know where all your lectures etc are it gets easier. One word of advice would be try not to get behind.
Good Luck with everything :)
jayna, RN
269 Posts
Never too late to study.
When I was studing the oldest was 50+. Good luck
smk1, LPN
2,195 Posts
im 27 and am finishing prereqs for bsn transfer while i wait for the ADN program. THe way i figure it the time is going to pass no matter what you do with it. 4 yrs from now i don't want to be still "thinking" about going to college, i want to be finishing up!
14,633 Posts
I was 25 when I started nursing school, and there were several older than me in my class. I had many older students when I was a nursing instructor.
84 Posts
I am 33 this year I have just started bits a bit hectic but I am a mum of to 2 young kids fun all round