I was wondering how every ones delivery experience was. It seems like its a story that women like to share. And there can be so many different stories.
When I went into labor on 10/12/1976, I was single and a RN. (OOH) The first thing they gave me was that horrible ss enema of 1000 ml. I wouldn't wish that on anyone and I'm glad that they stopped giving them. Anyway, I was having back labor and was walking around in the room. I don't remember being monitored or having an I V. After they broke my water, I had to stay in bed.Well that didn't help the back labor. My mom wasn't in the room much but I did have a male nursing student and his instructor. I was given a dose of Demerol once. When I got to complete they let me push,like they could of stopped me.But remember the back pain, one OP head coming down the canal. So they took me to the delivery room(no LDR's back then) and sat me up for the spinal. It was the nurse ,the doctor ,the anesthesia and me in the room. My legs didn't feel like my own. So they put the salad prongs on the baby's head and guided him out. It had to be the most amazing thing in the world to me seeing the birth of my son.
After the delivery, they put me on a stretcher and I threw up. And they circumcised my son on the delivery table.
After the circumcision the doctor took my son out to meet my mother and she kissed him. The doctor was so upset because you didn't do that back then. Grandparents had to be scrubed,gowned masked and gloves before they could hold the baby. Thank goodness that all has changed!!:balloons: