You know you work nights when.......

Nurses General Nursing


The conversation with coworkers each night starts with "I got x amount of sleep today..."

Specializes in telemetry.

You know you work nights when your scrubs are your "good clothes", otherwise you just wear your husbands/SO sweats and t-shirts!

No reason to get all fancy and made up on your nights off, everyone is sleeping!

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.
You find it perfectly reasonable to schedule every other staff meeting at 0100 to accomodate the OTHER 50% of the staff.

Amen to that! We should also be able to call staffing clerks and managers at 1-3 am since that is the equivalent of when *they* call *us*. :smilecoffeecup:

Specializes in LTC.

:lol_hitti OMG i love these, i have to say im lucky, i come from a nocturnal family, dad was a night security gaurd, mom's a nurse, husband works 2nd and is up till i get home, and all sibs run on over night time, its just the rest of the world that's running on odd time.:rolleyes:

Specializes in ICU;CCU;Telemetry;L&D;Hospice;ER/Trauma;.

I used to work nights when my kids were younger, so that I could be with them at school functions etc. This was back in the dark ages when the RN had a team of 15 patients on a med surg ward, with an LPN and a nursing assistant. Our report was taped, so every shift, at 0400, I would go into this little crackerbox of a room with no ventilation or windows, and sit down to give a semi-detailed report of the 15 patients on my watch. One night was particularly difficult....I had had zilch sleep the day trips, sick kids, etc. After droning into the tape machine for about five mins. I fell asleep!! I woke about 20 mins. later, catching myself SNORING into the tape recorder!! I found out that I can rattle windows...(if only I would have had a windwow in that room to rattle!!) I had to re-wind the tape....and hurriedly begin again! AGGGHHH! Not so bad....I managed...but to this day, I still cannot look at 0400am and not think of snoring into a tape recorder! know you work nights when you fall asleep during report!

when you would rather chat at 3 am on your nights off instead of sleep.....

Specializes in telemetry.
Specializes in acute care.

You have two basic types of clothing--sleepwear and scrubs.


oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one!!! cannot sleep on your nights off, so you wish they would call you into work........crazy, huh!:lol2:

Specializes in telemetry.

NYDreamer, you are in good company

Specializes in ortho/neuro/general surgery.
You know you work nights when your scrubs are your "good clothes", otherwise you just wear your husbands/SO sweats and t-shirts!

No reason to get all fancy and made up on your nights off, everyone is sleeping!

My wardrobe consists of scrubs, jammies, and Goodwill t-shirts and jeans.

Has any of you seen the commercial advertising a construction glue? It shows a guy being woken up, during the day so it looks like he's a nightshifter, by his neighboring hammering something, so he comes over, glues up the boards where they need to go, then glues the neighbor's hammer to the ceiling so he won't make noise with it anymore, then goes back to bed.

Specializes in Geriatrics, MS, ICU.

I live in a rural area and the only thing opened is the Dunkin' Donuts...They know us very well. We call in orders and one of us will run to pick it up. We have frequent flyer cards and when we get to the "Free Coffee" they let us trade that for a box of Donut Holes. My husband and I went on a trip once and went through the drive-through at 0500 and the girl at the window was so happy to see me. We started talking and he was just staring at me...As we pulled away he asked me how I knew her...He was confused because it was 0500 he was half asleep and I was driving. He had to ask me "Do I know her?"

A friend of mine lived below a young guy who ran his vacuum at 1400 one Saturday. She jumped out of bed and blasted him. She said he moved out the next month and complained to the land-lord that the woman in the apartment below him was nuts and he was afraid of her. The land-lord was her brother...hahahahahaha! So, he agreed with the poor guy...

My dogs have become used to having a warm body at very hour of the day in the bed...If it is not me it is my husband. Since I started on nights both mutts have put on weight...

It has been so long since I actually went out socially that when I tried on my favorite get-up I could not button the pants and the top looked obscene on me. Last minute I had to run out and purchase something to wear!

After a long stretch of 3 to 5 days in a row I do a meticulous grooming job when I get home on the last day. Shower, nails, facial, wash the hair...because I know I will not be out of my PJ's for several days and I don't want worry about it...hahahahaha

On my nights off we usually plan something with our neighbors (close neighborhood). Everyone is so used to me being in scrubs/PJ's/Sweats that if I actually decide to dress normal they think something is wrong...

I had a rum and diet coke the other morning while my neighbor had her morning coffee. She kept making a "Yuck" face whenever she looked at my shaker of rum. I don't see what the problem is!?!

When on vacation I always take an afternoon nappy...My husband will usually go to the hotel bar while I sleep.

Having to go to a mandatory meeting or in-service at 0830 and the presenter gets mad because you glaze over and start drooling.

Specializes in Geriatrics, MS, ICU.

I was talking with another Night Nurse (friend from NJ) today and she told me that she had to go to a mandatory meeting this morning before she left...Everyone was adding things to the meeting and when they got to her she looked at everyone and quoted another friend of ours by saying

"If happy hour started before 0700 my day would not be so boring".

I couldn't believe it when she told me...LOL!!! She said that half the room chuckled and the other half did the "For shame" stare at her.

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