York University 2nd Entry Nursing 2014

World Canada CA Programs


Hi everyone!

Interested to know who else will be applying for the 2nd entry program at York U for Fall 2014!

I'm an internal applicant. Just waiting for my marks at this point but from what I'm able to tell based on the tests that I have done over the year I'm expecting A's in majority of my classes. My overall cumulative average should be above 7 on a 9 point scale so that's a B+ and the same is for my last 30 credits average.


Is anybody else still waiting to hear? I'm starting to panic a bit. I'm an external applicant with a complete BA and pre-reqs, and an A- average. I don't why I haven't heard anything yet. :S Has anyone had any luck calling admissions?

Hi kwood054,

I'm in the same boat as you. I'm an external application with a BSc from McMaster with a B+ CA and an A- in my last two years... All prereqs completed too. I haven't heard anything back yet but it seems like most people have. The only thing I can think of is that I finished one prereq recently and only submitted that mark at the end of March.

I called admissions yesterday and they just said they are swamped with applicants so everyone will hear back by May :( The wait is killing me

Why don't you contact ****** and ask your questions from her? She's very helpful.

Hey Guys, I accepted my offer last night. Looking forward to seeing you guys this upcoming September =D

Congratulations NiceGuy91!!

That's awesome that they have began to make offers for internal applicants now! I'm one as well. Would you mind sharing your cumulative and last 30 credits averages? Also, when did you complete all your prerequisites? I'm thinking I'm still waiting because my grades for a few of my prerequisites are still pending until next week probably :(

I graduated back in December 2013 and that was when I got all my pre-requsities done. I been working a full time job ever since. My GPA I believe is 6.4 and last 10 are 7.5. I also applied back in October 2013 if that makes a difference at all. Hang in there Karina, I am sure your acceptance is right around the corner :)

Oh that makes perfect sense now! You're considered an external applicant if you've graduated already! I was told that even if you're graduating now (June 2014) you're an external applicant. Internal applicants are those that are not graduating this year from their current programs of study.

I was caught completely off guard when you said that you're an internal and have been accepted because the internal applicant registration opened on January 2nd 2014 for September 2014 entrance so if you were able to apply in October then you applied as an external applicant! :D You have great GPA for both, congratulations once again and I'm hoping I will see you all in September!

Greetings future fellow nurses :)

I'm a bit of a lazy bum, so I did not bother reading through the first 12 pages as I assume most of the questions and concerns have already been answered. However, I do intend to follow the discussion in this topic from now on and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you guys might have.

Before starting off, I would like to introduce myself first. I am currently in the 2nd entry program at York. I just finished my 2nd semester of the program. So like I said before, I am here to answer any questions you guys might have regarding the acceptance process or if you have already been accepted, than what to expect in the upcoming semesters. You are more than welcome to contact me either on here or on facebook.

Before I'm most likely overflown with answering questions (that is just an assumption :p) I would like to ease all your minds first. York is... well... different. In some ways it's better, and in some, it's worse. For example, I finished my exams a bit over 2 weeks ago, and it's not until today that the final grades have come in. Point is, if you think that's slow, than you have not met our admissions office. Our admissions office is extremely slow. The reason why I decided to just now start looking at this topic, because it's not until now (when the final grades come in) that a lot of the acceptances start to roll in. I can almost guarantee you that up to now, hardly anybody has been accepted, other than a few of the A/A+ averages, which I can assure you, is hardly anyone at all.

So if you are there sitting behind a computer stressing out, biting your nails, and spamming the refresh button every so often... don't :). Relax a bit, because honestly, you shouldn't even be remotely stressed at this point as their acceptance process has hardly even begun.


ps. I wrote a much better post that took me a good 20-30 minutes to write up, except that I pressed the "leave a comment" button instead of the "post comment". So forgive my lack of empathy in this current post since it hardly took five minutes to rewrite it in the sloppiest way possible of what I could remember mentioning lol

Hi Nikola!!

I had a few questions, trying to remember what they were but one that I'm curious about is how was your first semester? I heard that it is by far the toughest one with 5 courses (omg chemistry eek!). How did you find the courses. A lot of presentations, essays?

Hey Karina!

The first semester is not as hard as it may seem. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't mean that it's anywhere close to being easy, but everything is manageable and do-able. I think it's safe to say that every other person you ask will tell you a different situation that they found most stressful during these two semesters, but each to their own. Some might tell you that the transition from a whole different degree to a medical one has been the biggest challenge. Others might say that their essay writing skills are ridiculously hard to perfect to the standards required. And than you'll have some people whining about everything :). I personally find the program quite challenging, as I'm sure the rest of my colleagues can agree with, but I cannot say that there were any specific moments for me that I found irritably stressful. If anything, and this is literally speaking on behalf of pretty much everyone in my program, the most challenging part of the two semesters combined was 2nd semester's exam period, which consisted of 4 back-to-back exams (client centered care, pathophysiology, pharmacology, nursing theory), which believe me, was quite a lot of information to retain. I'm only mentioning this because I heard that each year the exam schedule is the same, so I'm only giving you a heads up in what to expect :).

But anyways, like I said before, the first semester itself is not as hard as it may seem. If the biochemistry course is what you are worried about, than don't :). It is the only course that is not mandatory in the sense that if you previously took biochemistry than you don't need to take it. However, my suggestion is that if you took it before hand... take it again. It is the one course thus far in the program that many of my colleagues and including myself have found to be easy marks. Besides the easy marks, the professor makes all the material that he teaches so interesting that it was literally the only class that I kept awake in, even for an 8:30AM class. Other than that, I ended up with an A+ in the course with just 1 full day of studying before each of the 3 exams for the course... which like I said, should not bring you any worries as it's that easy, and it's literally free marks :).

In regards to the other courses, I can go into specific detail if you would like me to for each one of them as what you might expect, but in general, first semester is definitely more essay-oriented in terms of marking, where as, the second semester hardly has any essays.

Specializes in Paediatrics.

Got my offer on Friday! woot woot! hope to see some of you in September!

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