Okay. I am 2 weeks into working nights as a new nurse and I am so completely beside myself because I absolutely love being a nurse (a BUSY nurse)....but I can't even describe my dislike/frustration for the night shift so far. It is where all new nurses must start at our hospital and they tell us we'll be on nights "for a while" (2-3 years?). I could go down the list of reasons but they really are no different than anyone else....except that I have 2 young boys and I cannot stand all the downtime time at nights.....I like the buzz of multiple providers, meal times, procedures etc. So, my 2 questions......what can I do to make my experience during my shift more positive and should I be honest when my manager asks me how it's going on nights? Am I a fool to tell them I am looking for work elsewhere in order to work days in hopes they'll offer to move me to days (which is the truth)? One of my biggest problems is even though I am working 3 12 hour shifts in a row, it really takes a full five days out of of my week by the time I prepare with napping and then recovering the day after. It really takes away from my family time in a big way. Ugh. I am just a mess and am so disappointed in this situation and myself. I know, I know I am a new nurse, I should just suck it up, right?