42 Years Old - Is it too late to become a nurse?

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As a 51 year old that passed the NCLEX at 50, I can say it is never too late! While I have had a hard time finding a job, I would not change a thing in terms of going back to school. As a matter of fact, I am back in school again for my BSN. After that...I may go for my NP. You are never too old to follow your heart. Go for it!

Is there such thing as too old?! I am 25 with 2 young kids and school can be hard but I go to school with quite a few even younger than I but also my closest friends throughout nursing school are in their 40s. I say if this is what you want and you have the determination to do it anything is possible! Go for it! The worst that will happen is you find that it's not for you!

I started pre-reqs at 49 and graduated with a BSN at 54. It was the hardest thing I've ever done but so worth it. The bummer is the student loan debt ($64K í ½í¹). It's been tough to find my niche and 2 years in I'm still trying to figure it out. There are many types of nursing jobs I won't do, such as anything trauma related. My last job in the OR I was labeled "the adult learner" and it was clearly to steep of a learning curve for me and quite a toxic environment. Nursing is exhausting and affects one physically, mentally and emotionally. There is a culture of bullying in nursing that I also didn't know about until it was to late. Sometimes I wish I would have become an OT instead but I have faith I will find a place for myself in nursing, and I'm to old to get another degree in something completely different! Good Luck!

$64k! There are much cheaper degree programs than that. I can't imagine carrying that much debt.

Specializes in Tele, ICU, Staff Development.
Passed the NCLEX at age 61, got hired for my first nursing position a few months later on a busy inner city observation unit and am still there 18 months later. Also attending online RN to BSN classes and have 4 classes until completion. Am contemplating switching to an RN to MSN program instead. I'll be 63 this October. It's never too late!
High five!!

Why is that?