Published Mar 13, 2011
1 Post
Hey wats up, a little backround info, i hate math, my moms a RN, im 6'4, i dont really know how my height/strenght will will help my in the hospital, but I graduate Highschool in may, and because im not einstien i have to go a community college for a semester to bring up my gpa so i can get into any university i please, I want to become a traveling Nurse so i can visit other countries for free lol
My question is, Is it easier/cheaper/faster to go to a junior college with a nursing program, graduate, get a job, then go to a university to get my BSN, or just go straight into a 4 year university,
ps. how is the nursing classes like, my mom says its hard but if you want to become a nurse youll do it, but thats mom talk lol no offense. But what was the hard part for you guys and ladies?? thanks!
79 Posts
I can't speak from personal experience, but I am also (as you put) "no einstein" ESPECIALLY in math! Ugh! But I know I will make it through. You just have to be motivated (and organized lol). It is normal to be worried about it (and you should). I suggest doing what I did and find inspiration on Youtube! There are tons of nurses on there giving their experiences with school.
As for the sequence... I think it really just depends on who you are. Most of the people I know of liked the plan of LPN-RN, RN-BSN. Deal. I'm not sure if they worked during the last increment. Anyway though, I am not the best to give advice but I just thought I'd share something...
425 Posts
Many variables....but I will say that I am graduating from a community college in December. As for my College, we have a stellar program and our graduates are preferred over the University that is in the same city. That college is one of the biggest universities in the U.S. THE only thing I didn't consider was that, in a University you can have a BSN in 4 years, whereas in a community college like mine I will graduate with an ADN ( 2 associates degrees :-(
521 Posts
I hope by bringing up your GPA you understand just how hard it is to get into nursing programs as of late. You really need to focus on getting the best grades you can. Serious, shoot for the 4.0, even then you are not a shoe in for Nursing School, but it helps.
Instead of looking at junior college vs 4-year, maybe do both. It seems to be what most students that go for a BSN do. Spend two years at a jr college then transfer. The great thing is that there is lots of transfer aid available for students with high GPA's and since you need a high GPA to get into the vast majority of the nursing programs out there its win/win.
I can't say exactly how hard nursing courses are as I am still in pre-reqs, but I have friends that got 3.7's in their pre-reqs and have gone on to nursing programs and are struggling. These are hard working, very smart people, and they are putting in their everything and pulling B's and C's.
What he says is right. I must add though, do not get discouraged. Nursing school is designed to keep the people who don't really want it out and the ones who do really want it in. It is supposed to be difficult (you're responsible for someone's life!), but if you want it and work for it, you'll get it. It literally is a "rewarding career" in that sense.
2ndyearstudent, CNA
382 Posts
Your mom is right.
What you should strongly consider doing is getting a CNA cert and working part time alongside nurses so you can see what it is like.
306 Posts
A couple of things. At 17, you may stick with your ambition to be a nurse or you may not, so I wouldn't bet the farm on that as your final decision. You have your whole life ahead of you so take your time and give yourself room to grow up a bit more. Working as a CNA is an excellent suggestion, if you can hack that job and still find the motivation I would say you have a good shot at getting through a nursing program.
In the mean time, going the community college route will move you along to getting all your basic requirements completed. Stuff like english, math, science and social science requirements. I would suggest you look at getting an associates degree and then if you want to move on with Nursing, you will have all your basic requirements met. If you change your mind, then you can apply those credits toward another major. Plus the CC route will save you and your mom on tuition. Nursing school is a tough curriculum and they have high expectations of their students for academics and how they handle themselves in emotionally challenging situations with their patients. I'm just not sure the average 17 yo has that level of emotional maturity yet.
Finally, work on your communication skills. You are trying to communicate with a wide audience, not with your buds via a text message. Write in complete sentences and leave off the LOL and "wats up" stuff. It is very difficult to take people who write like that very seriously and folks like me will be the ones reading your application letters when you apply for school. Good Luck.
188 Posts
I was like you once, at 16 aspiring to be a female nurse.
Nursing school was very difficult... i'm not going to sugar coat this- its hard as heck. and your mom is %100 right. If you want to be a nurse so you can care for others, help them heal, and use your intelligence to help them then you have potential to make it. People who don't have the motivation, or go into nursing for the money (and we aren't paid nearly enough), drop like flies from nursing school. If you go into nursing for anything but nursing, you might hate your life.
:) keepin it real
47 Posts
I would most definitely go straight through the BSN program. There are some hospitals (Mass General for example) that want BSN only. For other hospitals they would rather hire someone with a BSN. At the hospital I work at there are nurse who are actually going back to school to get that degree.
Classes are hard but you'll get through it. As long as you study and study and study. But obviously party here and there (every weekend for me and I have a 3.6 GPA lol). The class you'll probably hate is Maternity/OB. None of the women want a male student nurse even though their OBGYN is male.. doesn't make sense but whatever lol
Message me if you have any questions. I'm a senior so I've been through some stuff.
28 Posts
wow, 6'4". it'll be really easy to hang IV bags.
II 04r6 II
22 Posts
you should go for it!!!! nursing is tough, but amazing
6'4 and IV bags = easy, indeeeeeeed