Yale GEPN 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey everyone! Now that applications have been out for a while, has anyone started the process of applying for the Yale GEPN program? I hope that your applications are going well if you have! Also, if there are any current GEPN students that happen across this thread, if you have time, feel free to share your experiences in the program and any tips you may have :) Thanks!

Specializes in Midwife, OBGYN.
Thanks for the update!! Roughly how long did your interview last?

Same as AlexisKBM, about 30 mins. We can't really go over because there is another person scheduled to be interviewed after each slot so they do try and keep it at 30 mins for each person.

Just finished my interview and enjoyed it very much. From the interview, they told me admit announcements will go out around Feb 16th this year! Good luck to everyone!

So soon!! Love it! Congrats :)

If anyone who has interviewed already would be willing to share details about the experience (i.e. types of questions asked, how formal/informal the conversation was, etc.), and any details about the in-person visit to campus for those of us with interviews coming up, I'd be hugely grateful! Best of luck to everyone!

If anyone who has interviewed already would be willing to share details about the experience (i.e. types of questions asked, how formal/informal the conversation was, etc.), and any details about the in-person visit to campus for those of us with interviews coming up, I'd be hugely grateful! Best of luck to everyone!

I think there's only generic questions they ask everyone

but most of the interview is just a conversation.

Yup! My interview was a conversation.

Did anyone who applied to Yale also applied to Boston College? Specifically in the PMHNP program? How do you guys think the two school compare? Yale is a three program and BC is a 2 year program. I have to make a decision about BC on the 16th of Feb, and I think that Yale wont release acceptances till after or a little before the 16th. Happy to hear that everyone's interviews is going so well! I have mine coming up soon.

Did anyone who applied to Yale also applied to Boston College? Specifically in the PMHNP program? How do you guys think the two school compare? Yale is a three program and BC is a 2 year program. I have to make a decision about BC on the 16th of Feb, and I think that Yale wont release acceptances till after or a little before the 16th. Happy to hear that everyone's interviews is going so well! I have mine coming up soon.

I also applied to BC! I'm personally really torn because I've always wanted to go to BC, but the length of the program concerns me. I'm planning on going to the admitted students day on feb 10th to at least give it a fair shot since the interview day at Yale was more or less like an admitted students day. I'm also going to ask someone why the program is so short and how the education they provide compares to a traditional 3 year program. Also I applied for peds, not psych

I also applied to BC! I'm personally really torn because I've always wanted to go to BC, but the length of the program concerns me. I'm planning on going to the admitted students day on feb 10th to at least give it a fair shot since the interview day at Yale was more or less like an admitted students day. I'm also going to ask someone why the program is so short and how the education they provide compares to a traditional 3 year program. Also I applied for peds, not psych

Congrats! I live far away so I'm still deciding if I'm going to the acceptance day. What program did you apply to? I'm also concern about the length. The curriculum for the Nursing portion is about the same for both programs, however the credit hours earned and the number classes taken for the specialization at Yale, at least for PMHNP, outnumbers BC. Understandably so, since at Yale you are taking an extra 2 semesters to earn the masters. I couldn't find how many clinical hours you earn BC but at Yale it's 774. I still deciding if the extra year, classes, and increased clinical hours justify the increased cost and salary lost by going into the workforce a year later.

While we're on the subject of comparing other programs - is there anyone else out there who also applied to Columbia? I think I lean toward Yale for a number of reasons (location, faculty, program length, it's YALE), but I wonder what pros and cons other applicants might have for each program.

Congrats! I live far away so I'm still deciding if I'm going to the acceptance day. What program did you apply to? I'm also concern about the length. The curriculum for the Nursing portion is about the same for both programs, however the credit hours earned and the number classes taken for the specialization at Yale, at least for PMHNP, outnumbers BC. Understandably so, since at Yale you are taking an extra 2 semesters to earn the masters. I couldn't find how many clinical hours you earn BC but at Yale it's 774. I still deciding if the extra year, classes, and increased clinical hours justify the increased cost and salary lost by going into the workforce a year later.

I live in California but I applied to 4 schools in Boston (BC, MGH, Simmons, and Northeastern) so for me the trip out is worth it to visit all 4. When I ask if/how their curriculum may suffer in comparison to a 3 year school I'll definitely let you know what they say! And I'm going to emphasize that the lower price/faster transition into the work force isn't an acceptable answer (at least not for me). I want to know if the education I get will be comparable to that of a 3 year program or else I can't justify it.

While we're on the subject of comparing other programs - is there anyone else out there who also applied to Columbia? I think I lean toward Yale for a number of reasons (location, faculty, program length, it's YALE), but I wonder what pros and cons other applicants might have for each program.

I tend to agree. The only thing you did not mention that I take into consideration is that Columbia's program is for a Doctorates degree. You can decide for yourself weather that's a pro or con. :)

If anyone who has interviewed already would be willing to share details about the experience (i.e. types of questions asked, how formal/informal the conversation was, etc.), and any details about the in-person visit to campus for those of us with interviews coming up, I'd be hugely grateful! Best of luck to everyone!

Hey! I interviewed already for FNP. Overall, it was fairly relaxed! It really does depend on your interviewer. My interviewer asked me more of the typical interview questions - she started by asking me to tell her a little about myself, what are my strengths and weaknesses, why nursing and why FNP, why Yale, and the one question that I guess threw me off a bit was what my short-term and long-term goals are but I think I mustered up a good response on the spot. She was also pretty happy I asked a couple of questions and there were a few things I wanted to make sure I mentioned so I asked her a question to move the convo in the direction I wanted it to go. It was mostly conversational and my interviewer was very nice. She did, however, ask all the questions all at once which was a little overwhelming haha but it was natural. Don't worry and try to relax as much as possible. I would also suggest knowing your resume/CV - that's where my interviewer was asking questions from. But I also know others who interviewed said their conversations were even less formal than mine was, meaning just a back and forth discussion about interests/what brought them there.

Hope this helps! I wouldn't over-prepare so you don't seem reheorificed but just run a few things in mind and know why you want to be there. The way the day is formatted also makes you more comfortable with the school and the program which is really nice because you enter the interview with some context. Good luck!!

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