Yale GEPN Applicants 2011


It didn't look like there was a thread for 2011 Yale GEPN applicants. Since the application recently opened, I thought I'd start a thread to see if anyone else is starting to work on their application.

Anyone else out there?

No, it was GEPN-specific session. Sorry I can't be of help!

Thanks partera. Did they mention any numbers on how many applicants applied to the specific specialties? (or if any one specialty was highest sought, least sought, etc)?

Thanks partera. Did they mention any numbers on how many applicants applied to the specific specialties? (or if any one specialty was highest sought, least sought, etc)?

No, they didn't go into that type of specifics -- the Yale info sessions are kind of short and try to cover A LOT of ground. I don't really think there is a set number -- if they admitted a lot of midwifery students, but only a few of them matriculated and then no wait-listers decided to come, they might feel like they have more openings the following year in terms of program resources, you know? That was the impression I got. And there wasn't much info given on what specialty is the hardest to get into -- apply for your passion and who cares about the ones you aren't into is how I look at it ;)

Almost coming down to crunch time. How is everyone doing? I am waiting on one more recommendation letter and just sent my personal statement to a professional writer friend to tear apart. I have a good feeling that I won't be scrambling at the last minute, but who knows what may happen...

I just submitted my application...Not sure how to feel about my essay...but I feel like at this point they'll accept me for me...or not! I still have to take the GRE's next week. I'm not really getting much studying in with work, so wish me luck!

I submitted the last of everything last week (recommendations/transcripts). I also had 2 journalist/english major friends of mine from college edit my essay. I feel pretty good about it.

The last thing I have to do is take the GRE this week (Thursday!). I've been studying the math pretty in depth for the past 3-4 months (hired a tutor) and I really think that this has helped me a great deal.

@Allie11: GL this week on the GRE!!

Hi all,

I'm working on wrapping up my online application, but I'm having an issue going from Page 2 to Page 3. I think I may have accidentally clicked on the search button for adding an additional school because it says I need to enter another school before I can move on. I can get around this by clicking "Postpone Data Validation", but I'm wondering if this issue will stop me from submitting the whole application when I'm ready. Did anyone else run into this problem?

I emailed them, and they gave me a phone number to call. I left a message but haven't heard back yet.

Is anyone else having trouble uploading the essay? It seems like it works while I'm doing it, but it doesn't show I've uploaded anything when I look at page 4. I left them a message earlier today, but it may have been to late (I'm in CA).

Hello future nurses! I am a bit late to the party, but now that the stress and pressure of the app process is over, I finally dug myself out of my hole long enough to come up for air and search out other GEPN hopefuls like myself. This is such a great forum for interacting with other future healthcare professional and shooting around ideas, giving inspiration, etc.

I applied to the adult psychiatric mental health track - anyone else out there? Good lcuk to all of you - we can breathe now...or hold our breath =0

Hey all,

I'm super anxious and nervous about this waiting process. Do any of you know how they look at the GRE? I don't think my scores were great. Verbal: 560 and Quantitative: 640, Total: 1200 I'm not sure if one section is more important than the other. I was looking at the average stats of entry students for their grad programs, but this includes all their grad programs, so I don't think its a fair assessment. My GPA is terrible, so I'm counting on my GRE to change the balance for me. Any thoughts?

Hey Everyone!

I have also applied to the Yale GEPN for the fall of 2011 with women's health as a specialty. Yale is one of 7 schools I've applied to, but it is by far my first choice. Based on threads from previous years, it looks like interview invitations go out in early December with interviews in the middle of January and decisions by the middle of February. I guess all that is left to do is wait!

Good luck to all :)

This thread seems so quiet compared to last year's cohort. So I guess I should say something instead of being a lurker! I'm glad we'll receive some feedback in December instead of having to wait until February like most other schools. That being said, I have no idea how well I stand in the applicant pool. I have solid grades and I believe pretty good LORs, but my health care experience is a bit lacking. Like SaraNH said, all we can do is wait!

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