i work in ltc and today i was written up for false documentation. i documented in the tar that a treatment was done when it wasn't. when questioned by the supervisor i admitted that i did not do the tx d/t patient being asleep. however, i forgot to chart it was not done on the day it happened therefore it is false documentation. i am petrified that this may be taken to the bon and my license be taken. this is a serious offense and i'm sick over it. i didn't get fired today but i feel that it's coming. this makes my 5th write up and i'm still in my probation period. i'm seriously considering putting in my two weeks before i get fired.
i have seen several nurses and cnas get fired the pass two months i've been there. i've been warned by co-workers to leave this job asap and that nurses that work there often get fired and reported to the bon.
ltcf expects so much to to be done in so little time with so little staff. every nurse should be guilty of falsifying records at this facility. i know for a fact that not every resident is toileted and turned q2h, i know for a fact that every cream is not applied every shift, i know for a fact that every tylenol is not given in the middle of the night when a resident is asleep. how do i know? nurses tell me all the time. however, i'm the one that got reprimanded today. i take full responsibility for my actions, however i know that i can't do it all. i'm one nurse to 30 residents, every day i feel like i'm putting my lic. on the line.
i did write a late entry that the tx was not done on such and such day. i just hope and pray that this mistake did not cost me my career.