Would you put in notice while on orientation?


I'm going into my 3rd week of orientation in a busy ED. I'm currently doing FT nights, and I'm not a night shift person. I've been in a car accident and just having a really hard time adjusting. Nights are not for me.

I interviewed for a parttime day position today, they should hear something within the next week. If offered the position, I wanted to know how to go about resigning from my current job.

I would love to stay PRN, because it is a nice hospital. I just can't do full time nights. I'm wondering if it would make any sense to put in a two week notice since I'll still be orientation.

I'm just trying my best not to burn bridges, even though I know this is what I'll probably end up doing anyway.

I would switch to another unit/shift, but it takes 6 months of employment to do so. This will be my plan b if I don't get the other job.

What would you do?

Three weeks isn't very long; your brain will adapt but this isn't long enough to do that. Check out some of the threads dedicated to adapting to night shift to see if there's anything else you could be doing to help it along. But assuming you really don't like this ER and you would quit this job even if something else weren't in the picture...

If you get offered the second job and want to take it, you go to your ER unit manager and express gratitude for the time they spent in orienting you and how wonderful everyone has been (give specifics), but that ER is just not for you, especially the night shift part. Say you have been offered a part-time day position doing X, and you are seriously considering taking it. Then shut up and see what s/he says.

It may be, "I can understand why you feel that way. Thank you for telling me, and very best of luck in your new job!" Or it may be, "I am so sorry to hear it. Your preceptor tells me you're doing very well, and we are looking forward to having you. If you could stay on nights for a few more weeks, we will have an opening on days coming up. It's only part time, but would that be better?" or something like that.

Then you decide.

Orientation or not you really should give them notice that you are leaving. If you didn't, what are you going to do, just not show up on your scheduled day? THAT would really go over like a fart in church.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

If you want to stay on pen, then it would probably make sense to give a two week notice. Be prepared for them to say they aren't interested in keeping you on in any capacity and just give you your walking paperers right there.

It's only three weeks; that's really not enough time for your body to adapt to nights. Are you sure you've given it your best effort, or do you just not want to work nights? Why take a night shift position if you really didn't want to work nights

Thanks everyone. I took nights because it was my only option. I applied for day shift and was told at the last minute it was give to someone else. I will not quit without another job lined up. Grntea you are correct.im not an Ed nurse. That adds to the stress....I will remain professional

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.
Orientation or not you really should give them notice that you are leaving. If you didn't, what are you going to do, just not show up on your scheduled day? THAT would really go over like a fart in church.

Definitely that.

If you decide to take the other position ... give your standard 2 weeks notice and be prepared to work it. If you don't, you may end up in the "not eligible for rehire" pile for any jobs within that facility. Also be prepared for the possibility that they may not want you to work any more shifts and may make your resignation "effective immediately." Give them the choice and be gracious about it.

If you really want to give it a try, GrnTea's idea is a good way to start the conversation. But have your 2 weeks notice in your pocket ready to hand over.

Specializes in Emergency, Pre-Op, PACU, OR.

You might not be able to stay on PRN. In general, PRN nurses are expected to have enough experience to "jump right in" and do the job. I would still give proper notice and do it in person if possible. Like others said, it helps with not burning bridges and maybe they will offer you an alternative to quitting if they like your work.

Specializes in geriatrics.

I was prepared to quit my job, but I told my manager months in advance that I would be leaving, since the positions are challenging to fill. They offered to have me stay PRN, which I've agreed to. You never know what the outcome will be. Speak with your manager honestly. If they like you, they might be willing to switch you to days. It takes approximately two- three months to adapt to night shift, by the way.

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