Published Dec 21, 2017
14 Posts
Okay my dear nursing friends, let me have it. I just started a new job at a level 1 trama center. I'm working in behavior health for the first time and I've been a RN for 23 years. That's a story within itself, however we had a meeting this morning at 0930, I was about to take my break and they told me i had to go, we were all going through the day. The night before i worked which is no big deal but I woke up at 0100 and could not get back to sleep so I decided to get some things done and made coffee. I was moving along all morning, working happy and motivated. I then went to the meeting and i could not keep my eyes open, they were rolling the back of my head. Long story short, I was sent home and i think im going to be terminated.
Please forgive my grammar, i can't type well on a smartphone
SaltySarcasticSally, LPN, RN
2 Articles; 440 Posts
So you fell asleep at a meeting? If your new I can see how this can come off worrisome...perhaps speak with your manager? Explain you didn't sleep well the night before and sitting down made you crash.
473 Posts
I'm sorry, but I am confused. You think they are planning to terminate you because you were falling asleep at a meeting?
My manager asked me if i was on
Im new to the hopital
My manager asked if i was on drugs, she was very nasty and im new to the hospital
Im uses to working on a medical unit, psych nursing ia so different...
They get mad at me for helping patients
hppygr8ful, ASN, RN, EMT-I
4 Articles; 5,184 Posts
Did you explain you had been up since 1 am and/or offer to take a drug test?
Yes, she was upset because i embarrassed her in front of her peers
If you had worked the previous night, then obviously you were tired. That is to be expected. It is especially to be expected if this meeting took place at 0930.
As another poster stated, if you offered to take a drug test, I don't know what their problem is.
I used to work at a for profit psychiatric facility, and they never said a word about us doing too much to help patients. Interesting.
Your supervisor seems very insecure. Watch out.
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
So let me get this straight... you were up all night before you went
to work? Or did you get a LITTLE sleep? Like maybe oh, 2-3
Either way, no wonder you started falling asleep once they made
you stop and sit down. I've been in that state, where I haven't
had much sleep but I'm up moving, I'm going, I'm fine.. and
then as soon as I have to sit down to chart, it hits me!
I'm sorry this is happening... I think you've just found
yourself in an unfortunate situation; something
happened that was beyond your control, and you
have an unreasonable boss who wanted to blame you
for it.
You might have wanted to call in to work due to
not having much sleep. But if you are new, I can
see how you might not have wanted to do that.
Good luck, hope things work out for you, whether
or not you get to keep your job!
6,952 Posts
I think it's ridiculous that is someone's first thought these days - suspicion seems to be way out of proportion to reality. Everyone knows a story and blah, blah, blah, there you have it.
On the other hand, the part of all this that is your explanation (the slow-down in activity coupled with not having slept well the night before) is the same thing that may seem fairly dangerous - - in her mind, were it not for the impromptu meeting, you would have been out on the floor taking care of patients. That would've prevented the problem, though, from your perspective - but it doesn't mean it's unreasonable for her to imagine you nodding off in someone's room or at the nurse's station were it not for the meeting.
A much more neutral inquiry was in order, though.
I think all you can do is apologize. I personally wouldn't be able to do that without expressing my disappointment in the accusatory tone of the inquiry she made...but I definitely can't recommend that course of action because it's fairly risky and stupid. :)
149 Posts
You know, I've dozed off in many a class and meeting. I mean, I didn't start drooling or snoring, but I did nod off briefly. If you've been up most of the night, this is understandable--lots of people function better when they have something productive to do other than just sit and listen to other people talk about often boring issues. Don't feel bad.
I'm sure their concern was that you were there to work but seemed too sleepy, maybe, to do the job safely. Honestly, I wish MY boss would let me stay home when I'm sick and sleep-deprived--I generally get told to come in, suck it up, and do the best I can, which I know isn't safe, but all the brass is interested in is warm bodies. Just tell your boss you were really tired--I honestly don't think they can fire you for being a normal, imperfect human being. Good luck.