Worried about math


Specializes in Ortho, Stroke, Neuro, Gyn.

Ok, so I am registered for the spring quarter. This time around I have Psych 291, Speech and a developmental math. I am terrible at math. This is not a new thing for me. I have had MAT096, skipped 097, and am now in 098 with one more developmental before the MAT191 that is required.

I am curious how many other people are struggling with math? I see a tutor, but the minute I am away from him my mind goes blank. I just don't grasp algebra. I am so tired of math at this point. Technically I am taking 4 classes just to be prepared for the one 'real' class.

Any tips for a successful quarter? I had a withdrawal/fail last quarter for the same class. I do not want to fail this class again.

I am just nervous because I am always just barely getting by final grade wise even when I do well.

Any thoughts or ideas? :o

Specializes in ICU,Oncology,School,.


(love that name)

I too am a "mathaphobic". I haven't taken a math class in 20 years & put off school due to being afraid of taking the required math class.

Once I worked up my courage to actually enroll, I ordered a book from amazon.com & it seriously helped me understand some of the most basic concepts. The book/workbood is called "Algebra Survival Guide" by Josh Rappaport. It is very basic, but has given me a good enough foundation that I currently have an A halfway through the semester. (I got a 99 on the first test & I detest math. I'd rather take 10 Anatomy classes than one math class. Seriously.)

My greatest help has been 1. Never fall behind.

2. Always complete the homework

3. Get extra help from tutoring/internet, etc...

I know you can do this if you take it one step at a time. Don't let this one thing put a halt to your career plans.

Best Wishes!

Specializes in Oncology, OR.

Count me in. I have just about finished all my pre-reqs except math, and now I've got to take three remedial classes just to get to the one I need. The PP had some good study suggestions. I can tell you that I picked up Math Word Problems Demystified and that book made a world of difference in my ability to solve word problems. I've always been a fairly decent student but math has always been my downfall. I'm a little worried about math in nursing school because I know many of them have a "100% or you're out!" policy and I hope I can hang!! :uhoh21:

Anyway, good luck. And if you come across any good books or tips, please share!!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

here are a couple of links you might want to bookmark to help you out with your algebra

http://www.purplemath.com/modules/index.htm - this site has links into explanations of all kinds of algebra stuff for both beginning and intermediate algebra.

http://www.math.com/homeworkhelp/basicmath.html - this is the site of math.com. i linked you into the page for basic math, however you can also link into help for pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, statistics, and (o-o-oh!) calculus by using the drop down menu on the left side of the page just under their site logo. this site gives you good step-by-step explanations of the various subjects in each section in nice easy language.

check your math textbook for an online tutorial website. pearson, part of prentice-hall, a company that publishes a lot of math textbooks, has a website, www.interactmath.com that anyone can access for free. right now you are most likely at a pre-algebra level. at the interactmath website you choose a textbook, download the free drivers in order to be able to use the math programs and you will find all kinds of practice problems to work on. you can ask the program to give you step by step solutions and ask it to generate similar problems to quiz yourself over and over until you understand a concept. most of learning math comes from working practice problems over and over. my pre-algebra textbook was written by elayne martin-gay and was a wonderful, easy to understand text. the exercises from her algebra books are on this website. if the author of your textbook has done any lecture videos you should consider getting them since you can slide them into your computer and listen to them over and over.

Hi! I suggest that you check out this link, finding a good instructor is also very important. Here you will be able to look teachers in that subject & see how your peers have rated them. Math has NEVER been my strong point & just the thought of algebra terrified me, but I made it. GOOD LUCK!!!


Specializes in Ortho, Stroke, Neuro, Gyn.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their replies. Those are some excellent links and I am looking for the survival guide as we speak. I am just nervous I guess. I want my GPA to be significantly higher than it is. I just learned my school has 40 seats with 300+ competitors. :uhoh21: So I really want to stand out. I may even retake my two B classes.

Thanks again! Luck to you others in the same boat.

I also have to complete 3 developmental math classes to get to college algebra. (for the RN program)Pre-algebra (which I failed last semester and have to take again), algebra 1, algebra 2....... and then college algebra.

I just don't get it, not even the basics. Sometimes I wonder how the heck I made it through High School.

I have to take the NET(for the LPN program) in a little over a week and I am so afraid I will fail the math section. I figue its hopeless at this point. When the admissions dept sees my math score there is no way they will accept me into the program. I've still gotta try though!!

Specializes in Operating Room.

Stay focused, think positive, and be determined to learn.

If you have to, write the steps out of a certain problem, and show step by step examples. Then, study from that.

Also, the more problems you work, the better you will get. You will never learn Algebra without practicing, unless you are a mathwiz. (Which I'm not!)

Practice, practice, practice, practice!!!!!!!!!

Good luck! :)

Specializes in LDRP.
Ok, so I am registered for the spring quarter. This time around I have Psych 291, Speech and a developmental math. I am terrible at math. This is not a new thing for me. I have had MAT096, skipped 097, and am now in 098 with one more developmental before the MAT191 that is required.

I am curious how many other people are struggling with math? I see a tutor, but the minute I am away from him my mind goes blank. I just don't grasp algebra. I am so tired of math at this point. Technically I am taking 4 classes just to be prepared for the one 'real' class.

Any tips for a successful quarter? I had a withdrawal/fail last quarter for the same class. I do not want to fail this class again.

I am just nervous because I am always just barely getting by final grade wise even when I do well.

Any thoughts or ideas? :o

Developemental math will really help you in the long run. Do you have a learning center at your school? Stop by there and ask about tutoring, study skills, etc. They can be very helpful. Just take it slow. Put the past behind you, ask lots of ??'s and take it easy on yourself! ;) You can do it!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
I also have to complete 3 developmental math classes to get to college algebra. (for the RN program)Pre-algebra (which I failed last semester and have to take again), algebra 1, algebra 2....... and then college algebra. I just don't get it, not even the basics. Sometimes I wonder how the heck I made it through High School.

I started with Pre-algebra last year and then took Beginning Algebra, Intermediate Algebra and Geometry. I've discovered that Interactmath.com site along the way and it has been so incredibly helpful because it is nothing more than repititious problem working which is what you need to learn these algebra manipulating techniques. Find X. Isolate X and solve for it. The biggie in Intermediate algebra is learning how to factor equations so you can solve them--for X. It all builds on basic stuff. So, keep at it. You've got to do the homework problems so you can learn the different rules of how you can manipulate equations to solve--for X. Keep at it. You need to know how to do that in order to do drug dosage calculations and IV drip rates for nursing classes.

One of the things I have been seeing students doing is getting used textbooks. I understand that this is often necessary because of the cost. However, I've been getting my math textbooks new from the college bookstore. They are a packaged deal that often have come with a set of lectures on CD by the textbook author, Math XL tutorial (which is the CD version of Interactmath.com), and the solution manual that gives more step by step solutions to the odd number exercise problems. Those extra tidbits don't usually come with the used textbooks unless the person selling the book had them and remembers to throw them into the deal. I have found those CDs to be invaluable. Not only that, but they are part of the price of the textbook. So are any free websites the textbook publisher offers. Use these resources. You can get math worksheets at websites like Math.com, but you have to pay for them and they are designed for HS students. Interactmath.com is free and designed for college students. My college also has a math tutoring center that is walk-in, free and open 5 days a week. They won't do your homework for you, but they will help you work sample problems and re-explain things to you. Sometimes hearing 5 people explain the same concept in their own 5 unique ways is what will finally cement the concept into your brain.

If you know math is your weak point, plan to take your math classes when you have a lighter class load so you can concentrate more on the math. And then put a lot of hours into working math problems.

Specializes in Acute Care Psych, DNP Student.

I have to agree with Daytonite regarding the CDs w/textbooks. I just got an A in an accelerated algebra class and I relied upon the CD tutorials. The instructor did not speak English. (I'm not kidding!)

I learned absolutely nothing from the instructor. I would watch my tutorial CDs weekly and then do all the practice problems in each chapter, then check my answers in the student solutions manual. It worked beautifully for me!

The following thoughts would enter my head with algebra. '"I don't understand OMG! I will never use this! It's too complicated!" Shut those thoughts down. Just squelch them. You will be fine as long as you have each concept down before progressing to a more complicated level of algebra. Practice practice and more practice. This got me an A with no instructor. (Well ok, she showed up for class and muttered various words in Chinese, but nobody listened or learned anything from her.)

i'm taking maths maths exam in on may 25, of this year, i'm not prepared! i work as alibrary assistant at a High School when reach i'm so tired i just fall asleep. i know i can pass this exam but i'm just not PRACTICING!


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