World Health Organization

Nurses COVID


What are the strengths and deficits of this organization? I've heard pros and cons lately. I do think, if there are problems, the time to address them is AFTER this crisis.

I'd love to learn information from fellow nurses.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
1 hour ago, juniper222 said:

What claims? That Dan Rather lied? That those news sources are biased? That What I saw with my own two eyes was not happening? Be careful not to generalize everyone that disagrees with you on issues. We have different claims and opinions.

At least you are more considerate than others and I applaud you for that. To be honest, I don't think there is much a point to all this because on the political end there will never be a consensus. I have to work now, take care of yourself.

It doesn't matter. I understand.

The only lies that matter are the lies that don't come from Trump. The only lies worth considering are those not involving Trump. The only failures to be reviewed or held up for accountability are those that do not implicate Trump. Trump doesn't conduct daily COVID rallies where he misrepresents science and facts, insults governors, deflects and projects blame, asks people to praise him and give him credit on camera, and spats with reporters like a grumpy old man protecting his lawn. Nobody should be concerned by Trump's inappropriate emotional outbursts or inability to be honest during crisis.

Trump hasn't promoted an unproven treatment or a rebellion against his own recommendations. Trump doesn't make cryptic and slightly threatening comments about the 2nd amendment in unrelated situations. He didn't call white supremacists fine people. Trump's campaign isn't right now sending warnings to his devotees that the upcoming election has already been corrupted and rigged by Democrats.

And any critical critique of Trump's performance is FAKE NEWS or some deep state democratic plot.

Yes. This is the Orwellian world that we live in. You and others are welcome to make as many claims about the bias of journalists as you prefer. In the absence of examples or discussion, it's just your unsupported opinion which may be shared by other like minded people...or not. There's an entire thread about media misconduct on the blue side, started by a conservative. It's a good place to explore the many examples of bad journalism available to us.

1 hour ago, DannyBoy8 said:

The WHO as a bureaucracy has its pro's and con's. They have certainly done more good than harm. The fact is that the public health apparatus is designed to respond to disease and mitigate panic when a response would be futile. What was the WHO supposed to do? Announce to the world what any epidemiologist who was worth their weight in gold already knew, that containment was impossible and the spread of a very serious contagion that would overwhelm healthcare systems was imminent.

The reality is that the highest powers in the world knew what was going to unfold, recognized that there was little to do about it, and week-by-week they used public health messaging to groom the public into being agreeable as opposed to an uncontrollable mob.

The most intelligent and informed individuals representing the most capable intelligence agencies in the world warned our president in the early days about what was to come. I'm not a fan of the man, but a Democrat in office would not have saved us from this situation. Now, would their response and coordination of our states been better; I think so - but that is besides the point of this thread.

It isn't a conspiracy theory, it was just the only way to preserve order.

Let's not pretend for a second that the highest channels weren't aware of what would soon unfold. The goal of this administration as always been to undermine the UN and any global union of sorts.

That's quite an accusation. I'd quibble with the part about a Democratic President not making a difference. The Obama/Biden Administration in fact prevented TWO epidemics : swine AND ebola.

Incidentally I'd also quibble that a different Republican President wouldn't have mattered for fairness. George W. Bush's Administration prevented the first SARS virus from becoming an epidemic on our shores with a total loss of life of well under 1000 as I recall.

1 hour ago, HeartlandRN said:

That's quite an accusation. I'd quibble with the part about a Democratic President not making a difference. The Obama/Biden Administration in fact prevented TWO epidemics : swine AND ebola.

Incidentally I'd also quibble that a different Republican President wouldn't have mattered for fairness. George W. Bush's Administration prevented the first SARS virus from becoming an epidemic on our shores with a total loss of life of well under 1000 as I recall.

Ebola, SARs, and swine flu are all limited by attributes of the virus, to include: mode and lack of ease of transmission (ebola), shorter incubation period (all 3), and a predominantly symptomatic contagious period (again, all 3). COVID has a long incubation period during which time the host is contagious and spreads the virus with relative ease. The WHO considers contact tracing to be essential in the containment of Ebola, whereas it is a futile effort with COVID. From a purely epidemiological standpoint, we would still be exactly where we are with Clinton as president. We'd likely have more vents, PPE, and social welfare benefits; but, we'd still have the virus, social distancing, and a stand-still economy.

Furthermore, the consensus by most in the global health community was that the Obama admin did a poor job of responding to Ebola and was well behind the curve. The US Gov't was lobbied for months during the Spring and Summer of 2014 by international entities who requested assistance as cases continued to rise exponentially. Strong criticism was directed at his inaction by MSF/Doctors Without Borders - an organization with a sterling reputation as a beacon of impartiality and apolitical opinion. It wasn't until October/November of 2014 that President Obama appointed his Ebola Czar and sought funding to fight Ebola. Obama sent the USPHS to Liberia very late in the in they treated 42 patients....out of 10,675.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
3 hours ago, Hoosier_RN said:

Never said it shouldn't. I only said not all of it

All of the failure of leadership falls on Trump's shoulders. The failure of his administration to accept offered tests and then the failure to roll out a simple, accurate, and widely available test fall to Trump. The dishonesty about the availability of testing is Trump's responsibility. The confusion about the stockpile is Trump's fault. Trump dismissed the person responsible for oversight of the covid relief funds that were subsequently abused. Trump gets blame for undermining federal pandemic response by disbanding that team of experts who served on the NSC.

I could go on. There is so much obvious failure from DJT during this crisis that it is difficult to imagine why we would be looking to address any failure anywhere else as a priority.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.

It's not fair that Obama and Bush got the easy pandemics. LOL

I do remember that Ebola was all the talk before the midterm elections in the GOP campaigns. They didn't hype it up too much after that. Comparatively, republicans responded to this COVID crisis by calling it a democratic attempt to smear Trump, the beer virus, China flu, and engaging in a tiny little bit of insider trading.

13 minutes ago, toomuchbaloney said:

It's not fair that Obama and Bush got the easy pandemics. LOL

I do remember that Ebola was all the talk before the midterm elections in the GOP campaigns. They didn't hype it up too much after that. Comparatively, republicans responded to this COVID crisis by calling it a democratic attempt to smear Trump, the beer virus, China flu, and engaging in a tiny little bit of insider trading.

I'm not really interested in pandemic politics. The fact of the matter is that Obama was late to the show, as in he showed up for the curtain call. Trump, well, he just decided to burn the theatre down. Obviously Trump has completely boondoggled the coordination of resources, but Obama didn't exactly knock it out of the park with Ebola. At best he flew out to left field and maybe got an RBI since he did leave some pandemic prevention measures in place after his departure, that were then subsequently demolished by DJT.

The WHO = good. End of story.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
17 minutes ago, DannyBoy8 said:

I'm not really interested in pandemic politics. The fact of the matter is that Obama was late to the show, as in he showed up for the curtain call. Trump, well, he just decided to burn the theatre down. Obviously Trump has completely boondoggled the coordination of resources, but Obama didn't exactly knock it out of the park with Ebola. At best he flew out to left field and maybe got an RBI since he did leave some pandemic prevention measures in place after his departure, that were then subsequently demolished by DJT.

The WHO = good. End of story.

Yeah lots of people aren't interested in the politics, or at least like to pretend that politics don't matter. It is refreshing that we're not going to pretend that Trump is doing a good job and the USA is in a pickle because of the WHO.

6 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

It doesn't matter. I understand.

The only lies that matter are the lies that don't come from Trump. The only lies worth considering are those not involving Trump. The only failures to be reviewed or held up for accountability are those that do not implicate Trump. Trump doesn't conduct daily COVID rallies where he misrepresents science and facts, insults governors, deflects and projects blame, asks people to praise him and give him credit on camera, and spats with reporters like a grumpy old man protecting his lawn. Nobody should be concerned by Trump's inappropriate emotional outbursts or inability to be honest during crisis.

Trump hasn't promoted an unproven treatment or a rebellion against his own recommendations. Trump doesn't make cryptic and slightly threatening comments about the 2nd amendment in unrelated situations. He didn't call white supremacists fine people. Trump's campaign isn't right now sending warnings to his devotees that the upcoming election has already been corrupted and rigged by Democrats.

And any critical critique of Trump's performance is FAKE NEWS or some deep state democratic plot.

Yes. This is the Orwellian world that we live in. You and others are welcome to make as many claims about the bias of journalists as you prefer. In the absence of examples or discussion, it's just your unsupported opinion which may be shared by other like minded people...or not. There's an entire thread about media misconduct on the blue side, started by a conservative. It's a good place to explore the many examples of bad journalism available to us.

What could go wrong? Oh, that's right. I forgot the hellscape we find ourselves in.

8 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

Yes, Trump was warned about the virus early as well as Congress (according to your article). What did Congress do in that time, what did hospitals do in that time, what did state governors do in that time. Not very much apparently and now they just sit back and blame Trump playing Monday morning quarterback. How many covid deaths in NYC alone, what was Cuomo and Debalsio doing all that time? Other state with a large rate of fatalities is Calif, what was Newsom doing?

Like PP said, there is enough blame to go around.

When Congress get to choose the Presidential cabinet leadership when did of the FDA,CDC, Health and Human Services, etc.

and they are reporting to Congress....

Or are duplicated 50x at the State Level

And each Governor has the same powers as the President in the National Defense Production Act....

as the President....

That's about the time I'll sign up for your "equal blame" theorem.

Put another way - when pigs fly.

Daisy, you should be on television!

5 hours ago, DannyBoy8 said:

I'm not really interested in pandemic politics. The fact of the matter is that Obama was late to the show, as in he showed up for the curtain call. Trump, well, he just decided to burn the theatre down. Obviously Trump has completely boondoggled the coordination of resources, but Obama didn't exactly knock it out of the park with Ebola. At best he flew out to left field and maybe got an RBI since he did leave some pandemic prevention measures in place after his departure, that were then subsequently demolished by DJT.

The WHO = good. End of story.

Except Obama wasn't responsible for preventing Ebola in Liberia any more than Trump was responsible for the origination of China's late zoonotic gift to the world. What they were responsible for was the response in the USA and protecting our citizenry. In fact rather than "late to the game" , remarkably swift action was taken to prevent what could have been an unmitigated disaster. They were 11 cases in the USA of which 9 originated outside of the USA.

Wiki is your friend.

8 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

Oh good grief, how can you not see that Acosta is very bias, it is completely obvious!! 

I didn't say he wasnt acting, he was.

Here's something you don't seem to understand.

In a healthy , functional system, it is the JOB of the press to question power and hold it accountable rather than it being indicative of bias.

It's not their job to cover for whom you like (and only ask hard questions of whom you don't)

You might ponder this when you're having a better day.

8 hours ago, Daisy4RN said:

Trump is responsible for the Federal response and he was working, see the time line I posted. Just like state governors are responsible for the state response, anyone see their time line of actions they were taking. NY and Cal asked for ships and got them, but what did they do to prepare. Same for hospitals, counties etc. There is not one man on earth that can take care of every city, county, state etc. They should have been acting. 

Pandemic/Epidemic diseases need a swift NATIONAL effort that the FEDERAL government has the power and institutions to enact. This is precisely why the Health and Human Services, NIC, CDA, etc etc are appointed , funded and report to the President of the United States rather than being duplicated 50x at the state level (now THAT would be taxpayer efficient) Viruses do not stop at state border lines and severity of the acts needed to contain them requires a national effort and power.

Similarly the Defense Production Act is a Presidential power for a reason. Manufacturing and Business infrastructure can not take potentially conflicting orders simultaneously from multiple state governments that are going to have conflicts in interest and priority.

State governments do not have the authority to override the US Navy, for Godsakes! which is what you are suggesting by saying they could "prepare" for Comfort, Mercy, etc. These are NAVY ships operating under US Navy command, law and policy. What on earth are you talking about? The state doesn't even have any authority to DOCK them , let alone board and "prepare them" for the love of Jesus!

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