Nurses Announcements Archive
Published May 10, 2001
2,394 Posts
On a travel assignment at the VA hospital here in Seattle, I floated to another unit. I was amazed at the helpfulness, the caring, and wonderful nurses I worked with on the Spinal Cord unit there! I was greeted by a nurse named Jaci! She was a ball of energy, and she was a BSN! I would have never known it! Why? Because she was as very understanding, and went about orientating me to the unit, and to my pts., without ever being condesending in ANY shape or form! Each nurse, caregiver on this unit, was there to help, not only the pts., but each other! Surprising to me, in this day, and age of that's NOT my pt. syndrome! She was team leading, and did an excellent job of coordinating, and being available for questions, and assistance! I was amazed at the way my day went, as I came in the middle of the morning, but was able to feel good about the kind of care I was able to give, and how much assistance I received, not only from the nursing staff, but the even the janitor who, whenever he saw me going in the wrong direction, or saw me looking for something, would take time to show me the where something was!
Believe me the work is hard there, but the pt. ratios are good, most of the time. But when it isn't, everyone kicks in to help, for the good of the Vet! I'm grateful that I'm in a place where I can finally say I feel good about the care I have given!
Thank you to all those who work there, and make it your business to provide, most of the time, if not all the time, an environment of caring! No place is perfect, but I'm again enjoying what I do for a living!
350 Posts
Originally posted by Brownms46: and she was a BSN! I would have never known it! Why? Because she was as very understanding, and went about orientating me to the unit, and to my pts., without ever being condesending in ANY shape or form!
and she was a BSN! I would have never known it! Why? Because she was as very understanding, and went about orientating me to the unit, and to my pts., without ever being condesending in ANY shape or form!
You know, you just blew the whole purpose of this post with that nasty dig. What if I were to say, 'she was an LPN, and I would never have known, because she was intelligent and competent at her job!'
Lay off. What a judgemental thing to say. I'm sick and tired of this whole LPN attitude of 'all BSN's and RN's are jerks.' Knock the chip off your shoulder. If you REALLY espouse the philosophy that 'we're all NURSES regardless of degree,' then stop the petty BSN/RN bashing. It's getting old.
6,620 Posts
Originally posted by kday:You know, you just blew the whole purpose of this post with that nasty dig. What if I were to say, 'she was an LPN, and I would never have known, because she was intelligent and competent at her job!' Lay off. What a judgemental thing to say. I'm sick and tired of this whole LPN attitude of 'all BSN's and RN's are jerks.' Knock the chip off your shoulder. If you REALLY espouse the philosophy that 'we're all NURSES regardless of degree,' then stop the petty BSN/RN bashing. It's getting old.
Exactly! As you posted previously to someone making generalizations about LPNs: What research have you done to come to the conclusion that BSNs are all condescending?
192 Posts
I believe your intentions were good. I think there is confusion, though, because you took a subject from another thread and started it anew. This leaves you without the benefit of having your previous postings to back up your intent. Oh well. Glad to hear you're enjoying your nursing.
You know you really make me laugh out loud!!! This was NOT meant as a bash! It was meant to say, that this was THE first time in a LOOOOOOOOONG time, I have worked with a BSN, and NOT seen the lazy, sorry, too good to lift a finger kind of BSNs! If you don't like what I post...TOOOOOOO DANG BAD!! You know what??? I don't give flying finger about what YOU, "think" AT ALL, as this was NOT written for YOU!!! I will post whatever I PLEASE!!! And YOU don't rate, as to have an opinion, that will change that fact!!!
I got a chip on MY shoulder..but NOT jason..HUH?? If I have a BSN after my name or acnp...then I can be a jerk, sprout generalizations out of nowhere...right?
I give a care as to WHAT YOU'RE tired of, and what YOU feel I should do about anything PERIOD!!!
YOU'RE the ONE, who needs to get the chip off YOUR shoulder, and find some other lackey to kiss up to you...because this isn't one of them!
I think YOU must have ME confusion with someone who cares what YOU think! Don't EVER try, and tell me what I should stop posting, as long as I didn't say YOU were a trained monkey, and you couldn't critically think! It was NOT a DIG, nasty or otherwise! It was an honest assessment of MY EXPERIENCE in recent times with most of the BSNs...LATELY, and definitely here online!
I DID NOT see ANYone taking jason to task for making an ASSumption about the CNAs in a story HE related! I DID NOT see ANY one posting to him, how UNFAIR HE was in making statements, HE didn't know for HIMSELF whether or NOT THEY were factual! NOOOOOO he is above me, has more initials after his name, sooooooo therefore he must know the truth!
Give this bull about the LPNs bashing RNs, and do yourself a favor, and take the SAME dang CHIP, or (BEAM...meaning two by four) out YOUR EYE, before trying to point out the SPECK IN MINE!
YOU read my post LOOKING for something, and YOU would found it, NO MATTER HOW I would have worded the post. YOU, and ALL those looking for something, would have found whatever you wanted to! I wrote the post to say something nice about the people I worked with that day! NOT to read YOUR ASSumption of what I was trying to say!
Talk about CHIP...wonder I how could type without the BIG one you have falling off!
Brownie...not here for you to be pleased with or entertained by!
[ May 13, 2001: Message edited by: Brownms46 ]
Originally posted by fergus51:Exactly! As you posted previously to someone making generalizations about LPNs: What research have you done to come to the conclusion that BSNs are all condescending?
Now if you would go back, and read the post again, YOU would SEE, that NOOOOOO where in THAT post, do I write, that ALL BSNs were ANYTHING!!!
I wrote about MY experience, and MY experience ALONE!!! MY experience in the last two years here in WA., has been working with some BSNs who were as lazy, and sorry as they come!
MY experience lately!
Worked on a floor with a BSN, who while I did ALL the skilled care for 19-22 pts., SHE played a game on the NET...did crossword puzzles! Another, took her charts, and went in front of the TV in plain view of anyone who walked on the unit, put her feet up, and WATCHED TV!! Then wondered why she charted on the WRONG pt.!!! Why did she go in front of the TV?? Because it was well away from the lights, and the phones! Both of these nurses,loved to talk about how the difference between LPN/RNs, and how much education they had! While they beeped CNAs to help pts. to the toilet, or give them a bedpan, while they did ...guess what! NOTHING!
Now guess what I was doing! I was giving the meds for the WHOLE unit, doing ALL the IVs, IVP, IVPB, PCAs, including porta caths, central lines, drawing blood, Chem sticks, drgs changes, assessments, answering lights, the phone...especially for the RN who got cont. family much so she couldn't ever get out on time...or even copy the orders off correctly! Or the BSN, who was soooo full of himself, who had no time to call a MD to get an order for a pt. in pain, but tried to give him haldol instead! Why because he was toooooo busy telling everyone he called how he was "LORD of the MANOR"!
Or the nurse who found what she thought was a missed order, and tried to get me to give lasix IVP to a pt., that hadn't been receiving it for TWO or THREE days! Point...I wasn't on the unit during those days! Instead of reporting this to the MD, and letting him know what had taken place, and trying to find out why this had been held...SHE tried to order me to give it! I called the superior, who in turned said call the MD,...the nurse refused! I had the MD called, only to find out, that AN order had been given, and NEVER written to HOLD the lasix!!! POINt...LPNs were not allowed to call the MD, or take orders off. Why? Because THIS unit didn't want them to! This was NOT the hospitals policy, but THAT units, as when I first arrived, I was being groomed by the nurse manager to be charge, until the RNs had a fit! Why? Because that would have meant, they would have to split the work, and not get to sit around, visit with their families, or play games! This BSN, instead of saying, "WOW..good thing we didn't give that"! Became pissed as all get out...that I had the nerve to question HER! SHE was told to write an incident report...left, and never did it!
These are just a few of my recent experience with BSNs, as only RECENTLY, since I have been here in Wa. I have NOT had run into the same problems before...or not as badly as I have here! I also ...since I have been here, started reading this board ...only to find many generalizations about LPNs, much more than about RNs! I TRIED to post a good interaction, I had with a BSN, that changed MY opinion of BSN,...that was until I read the first response right here!
I wanted to tell others, that there are STILL SOME good places, where nurses work together as a team, and that ALL don't feel the need to disrespect LPNs, because of their initials! I also went back to that unit the next day ...on MY DAY OFF, and took the WHOLE unit, and MY unit breakfast! Which consisted of coffee cake, OJ, Bagels, and smoked salmon, and cream cheese!
Today I brought a decorated Mother's day cake, OJ, Fresh dougnuts, and came in early to make fresh coffee. Every day I work with the great BSN, CNA, and LPNS that work WITH ME, I bring in something for their breakfast, and I supply the free coffee, and the coffe maker!
Those are the people I was seeking to acknowledge, and give praise to, NOT to be agreed with by anyone else!
Originally posted by natalie:Brownms46,I believe your intentions were good. I think there is confusion, though, because you took a subject from another thread and started it anew. This leaves you without the benefit of having your previous postings to back up your intent. Oh well. Glad to hear you're enjoying your nursing.
THANK YOU Natalie!!! :D
At least SOMEONE WAS looking for the positive, in a post that was MEANT to be TOTALLY positive! And YES,...I get to work EARLY everyday, and I make coffee, and bring in a surprise, to start our day off on a positive note! You know I have always hated floating, but after working on that unit, they could float me there anyday!
Originally posted by Brownms46:
Now if you would go back, and read the post again, YOU would SEE, that NOOOOOO where in THAT post, do I write, that ALL BSNs were ANYTHING!!![QB]
I didn't mean to get you on a rampage or anything, but if someone else like jason had said he actually worked with a nurse who was smarter than a monkey for the first time in ages, I don't think you would find it to be a positive post. Sorry if I misinterpreted, but it sounded like a dig to me.
Originally posted by Brownms46:WOOOWWWW! YOU dooooo like trying to rearrange things to suit your purpose don't YOU! ME where, ANYWHERE in THAT post, that I wrote ANYthing about being "smarter than a monkey"! NOOO ,..don't bother..because it doesn't exist! But YOU have decided to put words in MY post, that don't exist...but it does exist in another post, NOT written by an LPN! And the rampage...I think that was the point to your message, or you wouldn't have continued to try, and insert words that WERE NEVER THERE!And what it sounded like to YOU, I could CARE LESS, because even if I had wrote, that I worked with a "great nurse"...something would have been taken out of text even with that! So please save your energy posting to me, because you waste both our time! YOU had NO desire to find anything positive, as this wasn't the rationale behind either of the two negative posts above! Too bad, I didn't understand your motivation prior to wasting my time, trying to have you understand my rationale for writing the post as I did.Brownie
WOOOWWWW! YOU dooooo like trying to rearrange things to suit your purpose don't YOU! ME where, ANYWHERE in THAT post, that I wrote ANYthing about being "smarter than a monkey"! NOOO ,..don't bother..because it doesn't exist! But YOU have decided to put words in MY post, that don't exist...but it does exist in another post, NOT written by an LPN! And the rampage...I think that was the point to your message, or you wouldn't have continued to try, and insert words that WERE NEVER THERE!
And what it sounded like to YOU, I could CARE LESS, because even if I had wrote, that I worked with a "great nurse"...something would have been taken out of text even with that! So please save your energy posting to me, because you waste both our time! YOU had NO desire to find anything positive, as this wasn't the rationale behind either of the two negative posts above! Too bad, I didn't understand your motivation prior to wasting my time, trying to have you understand my rationale for writing the post as I did.
255 Posts
Brownie-when I first read the original post, I must admit that i felt the exact same way as the next 2 posters did. I didn't really know about the problems you were having with SOME BSNs you had worked with, and out of context, the remark sounded like bashing. When I read your explanation, I understood better where you were coming from.
A suggestion-it might have worked better had you said something like-"I worked with a BSN recently who treated me so well that I realized that generalizations are unfair and that there is good and bad in every group". I don't think anyone could find fault with that, and I believe it is the gist of what you wanted to say-although I don't mean to put words in your mouth, so if I am wrong, tell me.
I have worked with some great LPNs-in fact my only complaint in ever working with an LPN was not their lack of knowledge, but that some had TOO much knowledge and attempted to practice outside their scope-dangerous for any licensed professional. I may know when a person needs Lasix, for example-but if I give it w/o the doc's order, I am practicing medicine w/o a license and could lose mine! I'm sure you get the point!
I think everyone gets defensive when they hear ANY kind of comparison among the various types of licensed nures. But I think we all need to admit that those differences DO exist by virtue of education and licensure and act accordingly. I must admit that i have never worked in any patient care unit where ANY type of nurse didn't work her butt off, with the exception of maybe the manager or charge nurse who didn't take patients.
At any rate, try not to get so excited and angry by a post that you lose your professionalism. I know that it makes you feel bad later on, because it's happened to me so many times, and I always feel terrible when I cool off. I also think it sounds defensive to drag in other posters who are known for their bashing, as a way to deflect criticism from you. Let's just try to have a dialog as calmly as we can. I almost missed your point where I understood what you meant with the first post, because you were so out of control at times that I didn't want to read it.
You sound like a good and caring nurse. Let's all try to be caring to each other as well.
PS: I'd like to put some of those smiley faces here, but for the life of me I can't figure out how!!)
Originally posted by Brownms46:Originally posted by Brownms46:[qb]WOOOWWWW! YOU dooooo like trying to rearrange things to suit your purpose don't YOU! ME where, ANYWHERE in THAT post, that I wrote ANYthing about being "smarter than a monkey"! NOOO ,..don't bother..because it doesn't exist! But YOU have decided to put words in MY post, that don't exist...but it does exist in another post, NOT written by an LPN! And the rampage...I think that was the point to your message, or you wouldn't have continued to try, and insert words that WERE NEVER THERE! [/QB]
Originally posted by Brownms46:[qb]WOOOWWWW! YOU dooooo like trying to rearrange things to suit your purpose don't YOU! ME where, ANYWHERE in THAT post, that I wrote ANYthing about being "smarter than a monkey"! NOOO ,..don't bother..because it doesn't exist! But YOU have decided to put words in MY post, that don't exist...but it does exist in another post, NOT written by an LPN! And the rampage...I think that was the point to your message, or you wouldn't have continued to try, and insert words that WERE NEVER THERE! [/QB]
Originally posted by Brownms46:[qb]WOOOWWWW! YOU dooooo like trying to rearrange things to suit your purpose don't YOU! ME where, ANYWHERE in THAT post, that I wrote ANYthing about being "smarter than a monkey"! NOOO ,..don't bother..because it doesn't exist! But YOU have decided to put words in MY post, that don't exist...but it does exist in another post, NOT written by an LPN! And the rampage...I think that was the point to your message, or you wouldn't have continued to try, and insert words that WERE NEVER THERE!
I wasn't trying to imply you said the monkey comment because I know you didn't. I was only trying to explain why I interpreted your comment as a dig when you didn't mean it as one because a lot of people interpreted jason's comment as a dig (including me) while others didn't. I NEVER wrote that you think all nurses are as smart as monkeys. Believe it or not I am not pure evil. If you could read my post in the tone I meant it in I don't think it would have been so offensive to you. Unfortunately tone of voice can't be expressed on a computer screen. I took what you said at face value (that you were being positive) and tried to explain why I misinterpreted your post and apologize if I was wrong. That's all...Really. Can I call a truce?
64 Posts
Two thumbs up! Your original post was received by me with your initial intent. Others like to look for "digs". Insecurities perhaps, or just the inability to accept the positive.
As a LPN the above quote is faced daily, so I completly understand Brownie's sentiment about those holier than thou'ers and the way they may act or treat.
I am not inciting anything, just adding. I respect all levels of nursing and what each in their capacity has to offer. We are all valuable to our field and to our patients!
I also work in a VA hospital as a Med/Surg nurse, and found Brownie's positive experience a breath of fresh air to read!
[ May 14, 2001: Message edited by: Jo_deye_yuh ]