Working out and Nursing..

Nurses General Nursing


Hi all, just wanted some input and suggestions about how y'all work 12 hour shifts and still manage to get your work outs in? I've recently gained some weight that I lost back.. I should mention I'm a new grad and found it so much easier to find time to workout while I was in school then when I'm an actual nurse and have more free time. Any suggestions welcomed :up:

I prefer doing it outdoor and it seriously only takes 20-30 minutes per day to work-out so if you do that 3-5 times a week with a well-balanced diet, you can shed off some weight easily in a matter of 3-4 weeks.

So if you're doing it this way, consider safety, i.e., lighting/weather/traffic conditions. If it's indoor, that's just a given.

Sleep also plays a big factor with these changes you're going through. Make sure that you get a decent 7-8 hours of it.

I do understand, if you have kids and husband to fend, finding some time to work-out and get a decent sleep can somehow be a challenge. But it still can be done.

Remember, all it takes is 20-30 minutes!

You can do it!:up:

Specializes in New Critical care NP, Critical care, Med-surg, LTC.

I don't work 12s, but I started night shift over the summer. After five plus years of working out six days a week, a stint of unemployment followed by the transition to night shift really torpedoed my workout routine. I'm finally getting back into it. I tend to not sleep well during the day anyway, so I go to a 9am class at my gym after work is over. I'm home by around 10:15, I can rest for 3-4 hours on days that I'm working again that night, or I just stay up after my last shift- I switch back to sleeping at night on my nights off. I don't eat anything at night, other than 2 saltines about 3am with one ginger ale. But I still managed to gain about 15 pounds with the transition. I think lack of sleep is the main cause. I've lost probably half of that by being super strict on what I eat again, and my workouts are improving. Good luck, you'll find a routine that works for you if it's a priority.

Specializes in Case manager, float pool, and more.

I walk my dogs with some jogging intervals for a good 20-30 minutes before and after work. I work 8 hour shifts though and some 10's and 12's. I also rotate shifts but find time. Of course, depending on the floor I am on, just being at work can be a workout. But on my days off I do a little bit here and there. Biggest thing is in order to lose weight you must be in a caloric deficit either through working out or watching your portion sizes or a combo of both. And sleep is super important too.

Specializes in CMSRN, hospice.

I (usually) run a couple times a week on my days off; if not, I can at least convince myself to go for a god walk outside or through Target, depending on the weather. And then I do a few yoga workouts or exercise routines I find online in between. A lot of them only take 15-20 minutes, so I squeeze them in before work.

It is important to look at your diet as well. I know that when I eat poorly, everything goes downhill. If I cook healthily at least a free times a week, I find it much easier to have energy to exercise, and I feel much better in general.

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