Published Jul 16, 2008
2,040 Posts
I've been an LPN for 5 years at the hospital where I work and after graduation from RN school I started as a GN. Thing is, they are putting alot of pressure on me to pass NCLEX-RN first time. In other words, I've been told I don't have a job if I don't pass first time. I was not nervous before ( I'm lying ) but OMG, I have a family to support and this is making studying even harder. I did well on my LPN boards, but this is different. I am actually studying for this one ( did not study for LPN boards at all ). I am worried that because I am so stressed I might not do well.
Does anyone have advise on what I can tell my boss to get them to ease up a little? I don't mean to sound whinny.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Best of luck to you on your exam.
908 Posts
stay calm, and focus. keep your faith and study like you have been doing...i know you're following on the random facts thread, i am sure it is a big help. don't feel pressured, you have to stay focused and do the best that you can. don't even think about failing, think happy thoughts and know you can do this. all things are possible!!
best of luck to you....when do you do test?
don't even mention to your supervisor when your testing, just tell them you will let them your results when you know them. they shouldn't be pressuring you like that!
see you on the random facts thread :)
:heartbeat Thank you for your support. Boss knows my test date only because they needed it for scheduling purposes. I agree they should not put that knid of pressure on me right before my test. I have updated my resume just in case though. Never hurts to be prepared. Prepare for the worst but hope for the best as my best friend says. Then again maybe I am overreacting because I am so freaked about the NCLEX???
39 Posts
I was working as a nursing assistant while in school and studying....was not being pressured so much by my manager as by the nurses. They were always supportive but just kept asking over and over "so when do you take boards???" "have you been studying?" "oh I KNOW you'll pass" (couldn't imagine facing them if I didn't). I wouldn't tell any of the nurses (except my manager) when the test was and finally used the line my Kaplan instructor suggested- "I'm not telling anyone when I'm testing because the more I talk about it the more stressed out I get". I know mine was a different situation than yours, and I'm sure your coworkers mean well, but perhaps if they knew that their comments were increasing your stress they'd back off.
Thank you Cubbynurse, co-workers are understanding. They are really supportive, just my boss who happens to double as the hospital nursing director ( yikes! ) . Our unit currently does not have a " manager ". My stress comes from knowing I already trained my replacement LPN, so if I fail............It is really just the bosses who are saying " we know you'll do well. We see how you work. You'll pass with no problem." However, I know some really smart people who did not pass first time. I don't think I'll personally be devastaed if I did happen to fail first try, but I'd have a real hard time telling my co-workers. I know I am just vocalizing my anxiety, but talking about it is a relief. Lord knows we all need stress relief on this forum.
You have worked as an LPN for five years and passed that exam. Chances are that you will pass this one as well.
NurseGreenEyes RN
137 Posts
First thing first you NEED to take at least a week off before taking the Boards....if you can of course.
That way you can seriously FOCUS on Nclex only instead of working as a new grad RN.
For me, I've been a Med Surg LVN and I decided not to do the RN new grad program for that same exact reason you are in.
Sure everyone keeps asking over and over "when r u taking the boards?" "did u take it already?" "oh! this should be easy for you, you have so much experience!"
Yeah! Experince most definetly BUT you should NEVER, NEVER, NEVER use your experience when taking the boards, which im sure you know that already.
I usually tell them, "pretty soon, im still studying for it"
But seriously if you can......try to take 4 or 5 days off before taking the boards.....I know it's stressfull for you in your job, but you have to think of yourself first before anything!
When are you taking it by the way??? Just kidding! You can answer if you want, if not that's ok!
Im taking mine this Tuesday the 22nd!!!!!
Best of Luck!