Published Jan 27, 2009
I have a free semister before RN school. What subject would you recommend (may be a repeat) and wish you had studied more of:
a) A & P I
b) A & P II
c) Microbiology
d) Math
e) Medical Terminology
f) Phlebodomy
g) other....please name
60 Posts
re: Fluid and Electrolytes textbook
The summer before we started learning about Fluid & Electrolytes we were "recommended" to read "Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy!". The book did help me out quite a bit and I find myself using it every now and then as a refresher. :nuke:
nerdtonurse?, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,043 Posts
Pharma, of course. However, I'd also recommend a good Abnormal Psychology class, if you have one. The one thing I've learned is we get more folks on the floor who have a major psych diagnosis in addition to what's their admission diagnosis than I had any idea of. It's nothing to have a tenth of our patients on an ICU stepdown/tele unit that have a psych diag. And you are going to eat, sleep, and drink Maslow and Erikson your entire time in school.
25 Posts
Wow! What a loaded question..... IMO study your patho. If you know that, everything seems to fall into place. Good luck to you!
215 Posts
1) Phlebotomy. Even though I am in my last semester, I have only had a chance to start a couple IVs and I am desperate for more experience before graduating.
2) Spanish related to the medical field.
5 Posts
I'm studying Medical Terminology and Drug Calculations before my semester starts. I can't get ahead on the books because the bookstore won't have my books until a week before I start.
26 Posts
Phlebotomy, hands down. I honestly don't think the suggestion to take a semester of Spanish will do you much good. One semester won't have you to any sort of comprehension level when dealing with Spanish speaking patients.