Will Florida inmates come to my home?

Specialties Correctional


I am planning to move to Florida. When I looked up my new Florida license on line it gave out my home address.When I applied for my Florida license they said you cannot use a post office box. I had planned on working in corrections in Florida but now it looks like any inmate could look up my name and pay me a visit?:banghead: What to do?????

Specializes in jack of all trades.

I agree with you but to be honest I have never had anyone "show up" at my home nor even mail related to my license posted on line. I do agree it's not appropriate to post your home address and never really thought about it till I seen this post.

Specializes in Case Mgmt, Anesthesia, ICU, ER, Dialysis.

If you work in corrections, you can elect to not have your address listed, or you can list the address of the prison as your address.


A Florida RN who's husband is a 21-year law enforcement veteran and has her hospital's address on her license. :)

Here in Georgia address is available on line:

- No PO box allowed

- Home or business address necessary

- Changes must be reported immediately

I do know of at least one nurse who had a inmate show up her doorstep...

Thanks all. I am glad to hear that I can elect to not have my home address listed. After I move to Florida, I will contact the state board immediately and will get myself unlisted. The last thing I would want is to have an ex-inmate show up.:( Please tell me exactly what happened with that nurse who actually had an inmate show up at her door step!!! How awful !!!!

Specializes in Utilization Management.

Have the address of your workplace listed on there instead. That would be your "practice location" anyway.

Do you think they will allow my address to be unlisted period? I am hesitant to put down a job address because if I change jobs then my renewal info will go to the old job and they may throw it away since I would no longer be working at that job? :confused:

Specializes in Utilization Management.

I have my work address listed on my license, but my renewal information comes to my house. I honestly don't remember how I did that. I think when I applied to take the NCLEX, I had to list my home address and then there was a spot to put an employer's address. I really don't remember :(

Specializes in hospice, corrections.

You would be suprised what information inmates can find out. It doesn't matter if your license has your home address or not. There are so many different places you have your address listed and they can find them all. You probably have just as much chance of a former inmate coming to your home and you do running into one at the grocery store. :cool::cool:

Yes, that's probably true. The most shocking thing that happened at my old job was when a c.o. asked me right in front of an inmate "Where do you live?" I couldn't believe it. I just looked at her and walked away. I was speechless!!!!

Specializes in hospice, corrections.

Sometimes it amazes me when people don't think and have personal conversations when inmates are around.

Specializes in Case Mgmt, Anesthesia, ICU, ER, Dialysis.

Call the Florida BON and talk to them there.

Where in Florida are you moving? I can either give or get you the scoop on most of the North Florida institutions.

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