Why don't nurses listen to cna's

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I have been working at this place for awhile and I knew my pts, I was on the same hall every night. I had this one pt he was deaf and I knew some sign language and he told me that he has not been urinating for awhile I told the nurse,she does not do sign at all and she just goes in there and gives meds and I told her that he is trying to tell her that his bladder is hurting she says "ok" and goes about her night, the next day I come in and ask him if he has urinated yet he says no and he has not in three days, by this time his left side is very edematous. I told the nurse that I think his kindney's are failing she rolled her eyes and said ok and then I told her that I think she should have him sent out to the hospital he has not urinated in three days and she said "you are just an aide, when did you go to nursing school or med school". I told her I have been in the med field for several years and also I know my pts I see him every night and I see changes and he is telling me it hurts. Well anyway I was off the next day I was off and when I came back they said he died of kidney failure. I went strate to the charge nurse and told her what happened and the nurse would not listen to me. What could I have done? I begged her to send him out and the more I begged the more she would not listen to me. This was six yrs ago and I still feel horible about it. I am now getting ready to go to nursing school and I vow to myself that I will always listen to the cna's that I work with in the future.

Specializes in Cardiac Telemetry, ED.
she does not do sign at all and she just goes in there and gives meds

I am a little confused. If he was not on any medications, then what meds was the nurse administering to him?

Anyway, I'm sorry this is haunting you so many years later. I think what's got some feathers ruffled, perhaps, is that your title is so general. It implies that all nurses never listen to the concerns of CNAs.

All you can do with this experience is take it and turn it into something positive by not repeating that nurse's behavior. Then it will not have been in vain.

I am a little confused. If he was not on any medications, then what meds was the nurse administering to him?

Anyway, I'm sorry this is haunting you so many years later. I think what's got some feathers ruffled, perhaps, is that your title is so general. It implies that all nurses never listen to the concerns of CNAs.

All you can do with this experience is take it and turn it into something positive by not repeating that nurse's behavior. Then it will not have been in vain.

While you're in school you learn that there are certain nurses that you don't want to be like. There are also nurses that I've worked with that I wouldn't want to be like. The samething goes with aides, there were some aides that I didn't want to be like. There are good nurses, and some bad nurses. There are good aides, and some bad aides. Some nurses listen to their aides, and some that don't listen to their aides. I've always said, when in doubt, go check it. Even if the aide turns out to be wrong, who cares, as long as you're able to sleep at night because you've checked it out.

Yes I read the chart, but I did not read it until after he died and that is when I went to the charge nurse. And yes the facility keeps charts after they die the just put them in a diff. place just in case you want to know.

When I said nothing was documented about the whole matter I mean NOTHING.

It was not documented that he was in pain.

It was not documented that he was swollen.

It was not documented that there was a change in behavior.

It was not documented that he had a fever.

It was not documented that I had brought anything information to the nurse.

No he was not on any medication.

He was an elderly man in his seventies and was deaf but otherwise in good health.

If the nurse would have done anything, she would have not gotten written up for pt naglect. And there would not have been a meeting about the whole thing.

As I said before I could have gone about it in a differant way... I did not mean to diagnose anything, I was just concerned about him. As I am with all pts.

I don't care that she got upset with me, but her not helping him or even checking to see what I was talking about was just wrong.

If you have any other question I will be glad to answer them, thank you for your opinion.

I'll be honest, you have (or had) a problem with boundaries.

Your actions (obtaining and reading the chart after the patient died) served no purpose but to satisfy your own curiosity as you had no legitimate right to the information. This would have gotten YOU fired at just about every facility I have ever worked at and in more recent years reported to the State & Fed for the willful and intentional violation of HIPAA.

At many facilities in my metro area patient charts are kept in an area only accessible to the nurses on duty to prevent people from accessing information that they have no right to or need to know.

I'll be honest, you have (or had) a problem with boundaries.

Your actions (obtaining and reading the chart after the patient died) served no purpose but to satisfy your own curiosity as you had no legitimate right to the information. This would have gotten YOU fired at just about every facility I have ever worked at and in more recent years reported to the State & Fed for the willful and intentional violation of HIPAA.

At many facilities in my metro area patient charts are kept in an area only accessible to the nurses on duty to prevent people from accessing information that they have no right to or need to know.

i believe the reading was done with the charge nurse.....but i did figure a hipaa person would try that tack....but remember HIPAA is for the patient protection, not incompetent staff....

Specializes in MED SURG.

Well it's obvious that according to some of you guys that I did everything wrong and the nurse did everything right including neglecting the pt. I am tired of trying to defend everything I did SIX yrs ago. The one thing I do love is taking care of all my pts! And making sure that they get the care they need. I am done with this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Specializes in CNA.

Many nurses get offened if you ruff some feathers because they know what kind of nurse they are. And as I read the post they defend the nurse even though you said she got wrote up for neglect. Some nursing students think that after a few nursing classes they know it all, and have the right to judge. When I am a nurse I will always listen to my aids. There is a saying "If it's not documented, it didn't happen". That's my :twocents:

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