Why the high pay in Texas?


I am not yet even a nursing student but I think I will purse a CRNA degree.

I was scanning a nursing job site and it seems that Texas has a very high pay scale.

Any ideas as to why?

i can attest to that zenman. born and raised mississippi, lived the last 12 years in louisiana.

bah...come and visit mid july through sept.....if the humidity doesn't wipe you out, the mosquitos will carry you away. ugh!

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

It doesnt keep me off the Golf course

haven't read all the responses, but i left TX cuz the pay sucked so bad. Yes housing is a great commodity there, real estate is very reasonable, but that doesn't help put food on the table. My mom has worked as a RN for 21 years and is MAXED out making $26 an hour. Sound like a lot to you? not me. When i was a LVN my first job WITH shift diff was $8.74. And this is in East Texas.......SUCKY pay there.

BUT i miss the food terribly there. lol ESPECIALLY Tex Mex!!!!!

Specializes in Junior Year of BSN.

Sorry to hear that. East Texas is just the suburbs-outskirts of New Mexico anyways, LOL. You wouldn't catch me there or southern Texas (brownsville) EVER! If the city doesn't have more than a million (i.e. San Antonio, Dallas, etc) I will NOT live there (ok ok, exception is Austin). I'm a city girl (east coast) can't STAND living in the boonies!

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
BUT i miss the food terribly there. lol ESPECIALLY Tex Mex!!!!!

Be carefull with my homemade chili

Burns ya twice

Specializes in ER, CCU, LTAC.


Texas Born

Texas Bred

When I'm Gone,

I'll Be Texas Dead!

I have lived in Dallas my whole life (except when I went away to college), it's a fast city with real people. Meaning they'll run over you If you drive too slow!!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


It's not humid here, we just have numerous bodies of water.:clown:

I live near Athens GA, and used to manage a band here. We went to Austin for the SxSW (South x Southwest) Festival. It was so much fun, and Austin seemed like such a neat city, plus everyone was really friendly. But my heart belongs to Athens - there's no place like home.:)

I,too, enjoyed South By Southwest. Austin is definately a party town. Sixth street is the best place to go if you love music. You can catch some country, rock, jazz, alternative, blues...all on the same street in ONE night. Lived there about 15 years ago...can't remember a whole lot :devil: :saint: Ended up at a nudist beach, I think it was called Hippy Hollow. I was really bummed as it was all gay men. Sweet as could be, but I still left alone! Not that I was looking to pick someone up, but as one of the previous posters mentioned...the guys in Texas are pretty hot. But I have to say...the heat sucks! You go from your airconditioned house, to your airconditioned car, to your airconditioned workplace/mall/bar/etc. Watch out for fire ants. Those suckers HURT when they bite. Also, saw cockroaches as big as my hand and tarantulas(?) out in the woods. If you're young and looking for a very cool town...Austin is it. But, being an REM fan, Athens holds a special place in my heart. Saw REM in Austin 15 years ago...wow!

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