Why Do You Sleep In Class?

Nursing Students General Students


Why do people bust their butts to get into the nursing program and then fall asleep during the lecture? These people sit down front, in front of the teacher.

We have 2 guys who seem to only show up to get the best nap of their lives. Funny, one guy passed the test with no problem, and the other guy has failed sterile dressing changes, and even fell asleep in our clinical meeting. It was only 12 of us, so we tried to talk over the snores.:(

I want to choke these people sometimes.

Thanks for letting me vent. This wouldn't normally bother me, but just looking at them sleep burns my be-hiney.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

We got one person in class who naps during class all the time, then if the last hour of class doesn't consist of something interesting, he leaves. Gets mad when he asks me for my notes and i tell him no.

Originally posted by Dublin37

Maybe you all could draw mustaches on them. Or you put mascara goop on their fingertips, then tickle their face, when they itch their face, it get's all black, very funny! :chuckle Or drop seeds/corn etc into their hair. Bring hair coloring spray and go to town. :clown: heee heee. Gee, It would be kinda fun to have a sleeper in class, just so we could all have fun! Heather

We used to write notes to the sleeper like, "See me after class" and sign the instructors name. They'd wake up, see the note and worry about until after class. And yes, we let them go knock on the instructors door at the end of the day.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.
Originally posted by Todd SPN

We used to write notes to the sleeper like, "See me after class" and sign the instructors name. They'd wake up, see the note and worry about until after class. And yes, we let them go knock on the instructors door at the end of the day.

GREAT idea :D

Forgot to mention the snoozer in my class doesn't work, has no children, and whines. So of course i wonder why he's sleepy enough to nap in class.

Originally posted by Dublin37

Maybe you all could draw mustaches on them. Or you put mascara goop on their fingertips, then tickle their face, when they itch their face, it get's all black, very funny! :chuckle Or drop seeds/corn etc into their hair. Bring hair coloring spray and go to town. :clown: heee heee. Gee, It would be kinda fun to have a sleeper in class, just so we could all have fun! Heather

awesome.. that'll teach them a lesson ;)

Sorry guys but I hope you are just joking because that is just downright mean. We had one student who's husband left her and she worked nights as a bartender to support her infant son and her while she attended school. People would try to throw little peices of paper into her mouth because she slept with her mouth open. Funny thing is she was one of the 1/4 of our class that graduated. The other self-rightous holier than thou students who did this type of thing failed out. Guess they should have been more concerned with listening to the instructors than tormenting the sleeping student.

As student nurses, one of the things that is taught is empathy. This is not only with just the patients but also with anyone else. I work full time and attend school full time thus I am extremely tired during lecture. I record my lectures so that if I miss something, I can catch it when I re-listen to them.

I am a little disturbed when people pay more attention to what other students/employees are doing in class/work (sleeping etc.). This tells me that they may not be concentrating on the instructor. Unfortunately, I also see this happening at work in the hospital. There are co-workers that are more concerned with what other employees are doing than with the patients. This in turn affects the patients and the rest of the staff because someone has to pick up the slack.

Please try not to worry what other people are doing in class or at work. Their actions are their own. If they choose to sleep that is on them and not your problem. Concentrate on what you need to do in order to get to your goal of becoming a nurse.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

I wrote a letter to request another seat in class (instructor had us sit in alphabetical order untill she learns our names) due to the fact that the Snorey sits to my right and is interfering with my digital recorder. I didn't buy it to hear "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ" from my table neighbor. I shouldn't have to take my recorder and set it on the desk, then run back and forth up the aisle to turn it on and off just because of someone napping.

essarge....congrats to you. I hope your naps help you out.

I have no problem with what other people do, as we have about 55 complainers about various things. But I do have a right to complain about someone who sits next to me and snores so loud, that they must be in the deepest stages of sleep !!!!! I am empathetic to working students...I am one!

There are discreet seats in the back for late and sleepy people.

It IS unfair to those who are trying to concentrate.

Would you like to hear Mr. Sleepy on my digital recorder ??? That is how loud he is. Unfortunately, I have had to move away from him.

I usually sit in the front row, so if anyone in our class sleeps, I don't know it. I haven't heard any snoring yet! Seriously though, it would be bad to try and record the lectures only to find out that all you recorded was Mr/Ms Snorey. I tape all my lectures.

As for being late for class, it is a rule in our class that if you're late, you wait until we get a break to come into the classroom, our class starts at nine and we don't usually get a break until 10:30.

Originally posted by nursebucky

essarge....congrats to you. I hope your naps help you out.

I have no problem with what other people do, as we have about 55 complainers about various things. But I do have a right to complain about someone who sits next to me and snores so loud, that they must be in the deepest stages of sleep !!!!! I am empathetic to working students...I am one!

There are discreet seats in the back for late and sleepy people.

It IS unfair to those who are trying to concentrate.

Would you like to hear Mr. Sleepy on my digital recorder ??? That is how loud he is. Unfortunately, I have had to move away from him.

I agree with you stating that there are discreet seats in the rear of the class and that is where I sit with my recorder (just in case). That being said, I have never actually fallen asleep, just can't concentrate on lecture until I get a "power nap" when I get home and can relisten to the lecture.

Perhaps those that have "Mr/Ms Sleepy" sitting next to them (unless there is assigned seating) could politely ask them to move to the rear of the room. There are good ways to handle things and bad ways to handle things. This is a good way for a student nurse to handle a situation with maturity and empathy without offending the person involved.

Originally posted by essarge

I agree with you stating that there are discreet seats in the rear of the class and that is where I sit with my recorder (just in case).

Perhaps those that have "Mr/Ms Sleepy" sitting next to them (unless there is assigned seating) could politely ask them to move to the rear of the room. There are good ways to handle things and bad ways to handle things. This is a good way for a student nurse to handle a situation with maturity and empathy without offending the person involved.

At my school we use the group process method. There are ten members in our group and the desks are arranged in a circle. The process we use requires that everyone complete their assignment, as each assignment is necessary to make the whole. If one falls down on their task, the whole group must finish the undone assignment. So, the person that sits next to me with her head on the desk, snoring and drooling, is affecting my learning. And why is she sleeping? She makes no bones about it. Another late night with the boyfriend. It is not me with the maturity problem, and I can have no empathy for the person.

Perhaps those that have "Mr/Ms Sleepy" sitting next to them (unless there is assigned seating) could politely ask them to move to the rear of the room.

Hear me one more time...there wasssssss no rearrrrr of the room.

We basically were cramped into one room for this clinical briefing.

I woke him up and asked him if he was ok.

I found out, also that he doesn't work, has no wife and no kids. I don't know what the problem is.

I am a giver, not a taker, so I asked him if he needed any help in check offs (because he failed the first one 2 times, etc)....he said maybe.

We will see....THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION...'offering self', not only to the patient but sleepy students as well.

You want me to be empathetic to someone who won't help themselves....whatever. Empathy means....to place yourself in that person's place. Should I try taking a nap during class? :)

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