Why Do So Many Non-Nurses Post in the "International Nursing "Forum?

World International


I'm just curious why this particular forum seems to attract so many posters who are not nurses. It seems to be more of a problem here than in the other forums. I don't have an issue with nursing students or CNA's posting here; I welcome their questions and comments. I am referring to posters who are not personally part of the nursing profession: wannabes, fanboys, voyeurs, men with a nurse fetish, etc. Many of them seem to post as if they want others to think they are nurses, thereby increasing the creepiness factor.

I assume that most nurses who post here are interested in what other nurses have to say. That's why I post here--it's a wonderful opportunity to share ideas with nurses in different geographic locations, different nursing specialties, and different backgrounds. Over the past few years, however, there seems to be an influx of non-nurses posting here, and I really wish the moderators would address this problem.

The allnurses home page --right across the top of the page-- clearly states:

allnurses: a Nursing Community For Nurses

Is that not clear?

Is there something ambiguous about the wording of that banner??

I am interested in hearing the opinions of other nurses regarding this issue...

I have to agree with Nursehello. There are far too many non-nurses giving a lot of misinformation. That only hurts the people seeking information regarding nursing.

Also there is a lot of mis information giving by poster claiming to be Nurses as well.

Also there is a lot of mis information giving by poster claiming to be Nurses as well.

Who on here is claiming to be a nurse? Did you know that you can't have the name RN or LPN/LVN as part of your screen name unless you are either of those things. So I'd like to know who's on here claiming to be a nurse that's giving misinformation that way they can be reported to allnurses.

Who on here is claiming to be a nurse? Did you know that you can't have the name RN or LPN/LVN as part of your screen name unless you are either of those things. So I'd like to know who's on here claiming to be a nurse that's giving misinformation that way they can be reported to allnurses.

There are post all the time with incorrect information

Just look at the thread where numerous people claimed one needs a local licenses before one can be eligible for NCLEX


There are post all the time with incorrect information

Just look at the thread where numerous people claimed one needs a local licenses before one can be eligible for NCLEX


That's not what I asked you. I asked you WHO IS CLAIMING TO BE A NURSE? Did it ever occur to you that maybe "they are nurses"? There are some states that require a local license and it states on some BRN websites. I've read them myself, so I suggest you do some homework regarding local licenses before you make any implications about people claiming to be nurses giving misinformation.

That's not what I asked you. I asked you WHO IS CLAIMING TO BE A NURSE? Did it ever occur to you that maybe "they are nurses"? There are some states that require a local license and it states on some BRN websites. I've read them myself, so I suggest you do some homework regarding local licenses before you make any implications about people claiming to be nurses giving misinformation.

Side Step the question.:rolleyes:

The post was about Texas, not about some states. I have done my homework, obvious you have not.:nono:

Side Step the question.:rolleyes:

The post was about Texas, not about some states. I have done my homework, obvious you have not.:nono:

Again, you're dodging the question. :yawn: You made an accusation about people "claiming to be nurses giving misinformation" you need to back up your accusation with some facts. Where are the facts? So far, I haven't seen any on your end. Just making false accusations, and that's a big no no. :nono:

Again, answer the question, who on here is claiming to be a nurse who is giving false information? I'd like for you to answer the question since you're implying there are people here claiming to be nurses who are giving misinformation. Maybe you have done your homework, but you're very poor at checking it for accuracy! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

Side Step the question.:rolleyes:

The post was about Texas, not about some states. I have done my homework, obvious you have not.:nono:

Many of the more recent non-nurse posters present inaccurate information, and become belligerent when confronted about it.

I rest my case.

I can see starting a couple of threads with requests for information. But in the age of google, sometimes I wonder.

What worries me is the parents or spouses posting. We never hear from the actual nurse.

I mean after you get the answer to your question or info telling you how to track it down, why hang around?

I mean we b*tch and whine about our co-workers, the patients, the admnistrators, exploding wounds, ostomies, feelings, gangrene,....

Maybe we have nurse groupies (I know the bars near firehalls and copshops have groupies that hang there to be near the cops/firefighters) or frustrated wannabees who plan a career as a nurse impersonator???

Again, you're dodging the question. :yawn: You made an accusation about people "claiming to be nurses giving misinformation" you need to back up your accusation with some facts. Where are the facts? So far, I haven't seen any on your end. Just making false accusations, and that's a big no no. :nono:

Again, answer the question, who on here is claiming to be a nurse who is giving false information? I'd like for you to answer the question since you're implying there are people here claiming to be nurses who are giving misinformation. Maybe you have done your homework, but you're very poor at checking it for accuracy! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

If you read the post. NP Gilly states one needs a local licenses in Texas

Here is the actual post "Also, just briefly skimming through Texas BON requirements, it seems like they require a verification or a prior license in the jurisdiction where you receive your nursing training, CES, and an English exam."

If you read the post. NP Gilly states one needs a local licenses in Texas

Here is the actual post "Also, just briefly skimming through Texas BON requirements, it seems like they require a verification or a prior license in the jurisdiction where you receive your nursing training, CES, and an English exam."


I read this from the Texas Board of Registered Nursing. So I see that nothing that NP Gilly stated is misinformed. I believe you owe NP Gilly an apology 1. for assuming this person is claiming to be a nurse & 2. because if you read the website it states you need Local License verification. Unless you read something different on another page, then please provide us with what you read so we can compare.


Do I need a license verification from my country, territory or provinces since I have a nursing license in the United States?

Yes, it is required to have a license verification from all states, countries, territories and provinces where a permanent nursing license was held/hold or where you had permanent authorization to work in a nursing position.


Here is the link


I read this from the Texas Board of Registered Nursing. So I see that nothing that NP Gilly stated is misinformed. I believe you owe NP Gilly an apology 1. for assuming this person is claiming to be a nurse & 2. because if you read the website it states you need Local License verification. Unless you read something different on another page, then please provide us with what you read so we can compare.


Do I need a license verification from my country, territory or provinces since I have a nursing license in the United States?

Yes, it is required to have a license verification from all states, countries, territories and provinces where a permanent nursing license was held/hold or where you had permanent authorization to work in a nursing position.


Here is the link

And thus you become as guilty as the other of spreading mis - information.

You call the Texas BON and ask them if you need a Local License, and the answer you will get is No you don't.

You have proved my point of my post 100%

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Closing this now as it just going round in circles.

The end decision is with the BON and ideally get something in writing so if they do come back and say you need a license you have something to back up

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