Published Jun 2, 2012
373 Posts
Lately, I have had people asking me why I even bother studying a&p when I have already completed those classes. I have even had wanna-be nursing students ask me this! I just look at them like they're stupid for even saying such a thing. I mean really..? Obviously it doesn't mean that much to them. BUT it does to me. Sure I left those classes with A's but you can never learn enough!! Reviewing is something that SHOULD be done. I just don't get why people would even ask me this.. I mean would they want a nurse who doesn't know we a&p--inside and out-- working on them? People are ridiculous!
166 Posts
HOLY SMOKES WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. I just took A&P I and left it with an A (A high one at that). Yet I am retaking it in the fall. Why? Our A&P textbook alone is over 1000 pages. We allegedly covered the first 450 or so. I don't feel like I learned enough and I want to know more of it. Looking through my projected coursework for advanced degrees, I'm going to have to take more in depth A&P anyway.
Maybe this is stupid to add another class to my nursing coursload, but I'll only have 3 classes my first and second semesters so why the heck not! Its also not gonna cost me anymore money to take it!!!!
As a wise rapper once told me: Upgrade your grey matter, cause one day, it may matter.
47 Posts
I agree! A&P is something you will use everyday as well as medical termilogy. I'm taking A&P 1 in the fall, and I have my books, been looking at chapters, and even been brushing up on med terms. If I'm going to do this, I want to do it right.
Lol! I wouldn't retake it.. I had a 99 average when I left a&p 2! But I have put together a folder. We had a good bit of patho in our lab so that was wonderful.
Well I should have been more clear, I'm not "retaking" it per say, but auditing it. So I still have to do the work and do the homework but my grade will not affect my GPA and unless I fail.
Oh got ya! I'm sure I read it wrong. I blame it on the whiny, teething, cute two year old I have attached to me screaming mommy. :) have to love it!
I'm glad there are others who think the same.. I just don't see how people can think why even bother with me.. Makes me shake my head!
My instructor gave us scenario questions on our test that involved critical thinking and what we would do about it. I thought that was fun and it gave us the opportunity to think like nurses. Maybe because she is a nurse. I loved it though. I truly miss a&p! I would trade to have it again rather than the chemistry I'm taking right now.
Philly_LPN_Girl, LPN
718 Posts
If you already took those classes and received an A then that wouldn't make sense to take it again. : / you could always look at the discovery channel, reread your anatomy book and retest yourself, or simply buy books offline to learn it on your own instead of wasting time, spots, and money for a class that someone else could be taking but, if that is what is making you happy then good for you.
People look at me like I am nuts because I love chemistry lol
Msmedic68w, MSN, RN
103 Posts
*makes cross with finger*
*doesnt make eye contact or any sudden movements*
980 Posts
I think chemistry is ok, I enjoy the mathematical aspects. I loved Microbiology. If I don't get into nursing school for the spring, I am considering taking organic chem. none of the nursing schools around here require it but why not? If I were you, I'd look into taking an advanced A&P course rather than repeating the same info.
Chemistry is okay.. Unless you have a wacky instructor like I do who frequently writes the wrong thing on the board and has to be corrected, walks around lost, and doesn't lecture. I'm glad I take the initiative to learn on my own. She frequently looks at me to make sure she is right and always asks to use my books because she forgot hers and oh borrows my calculator and then loses it all. :| but she is very sweet and funny. Even if she is nuts. I enjoy talking to her.