Who is waiting for a letter from OCC?

U.S.A. Michigan


Who is waiting to hear from Oakland Community College about acceptance into the 2009 ADN program (either accelerated if it's offered or traditional)? I hope we find out before the date listed on the website (March 15)....which would mean we would have to get something in the mail by Saturday, 3/14!

What was the GPA last year? Just curious as this waiting game is driving me a little nuts.

I heard that 3.612 was the initial cutoff, but once they admitted students to the new accelerated program, it got pushed back to ~3.4.

And I'm with you guys! I'm living in Ann Arbor going to school here, but I keep calling my dad to see if the mail has come yet. :)

Just to let you know..I was in the Nursing Office this morning, I heard the secretary say to multiple people on the phone that the letters were sent out Monday and Tuesday as certified mail. Hopefully you start getting them tomorrow and Friday!

My dad works for the post office in Clarkston. The letters are going out today!

As in being delivered to our houses today??

Do we have to be home to sign for the letters?

I am in!!! It dont know what it was but i had a 3.71 so i got in!!!!

I was hoping to be able to report the cut off to all of you guys...I have been a WRECK all week waiting! I just got my letter and it didn't tell me what the cut off was, but it does include the accelerated program so that will free up 60 more spots. Has anyone heard details about the accelerated option? I have a 3.72 so I don't think I will get in but August 2010 sounds too good to pass up. Congratulations to everyone :yeah:

The wait is finally over! I got my letter today and I'm in. My GPA was 3.79. Does every letter offer the accelerated track option? Just wondering. I don't think I would go this route anyway, I have two small children. I don't want to overload myself. Congratulations to all of you who make it in!

congrats everyone! did you have to sign for the letter?

haha yes! I have a 3.712 so we are in the same boat. Accelerated sounds good. MINUS the driving to detroit part. but I dont think my GPA is high enough for that haha:ancong!: everyone who gets in!

Yes, I had to sign for the letter. I got in! They didn't show the gradepoint cut off and I actually don't know what gradepoint they used for me. I had a lot of transfer credits that they had to go through (and pick which ones they thought qualified) so I have really been in the dark these past months, not even knowing my gradepoint! That was a harsh wait, I am so relieved!

Congrats to those who got in and if you didn't--lots of people actually decline the program so there's still a good chance of getting in (but more waiting over the next month or so, ugh)

Do we have to reply back with a certified letter too? I can't bear the thought of it getting lost or delayed in the mail.

:yeah:yeah, the wait is over and i am in!! so relieved!! good luck to all and congrats!!

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