Who else is starting clinicals in the winter?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Since there is a thread going for fall starters, I thought we could start one for the winter starters. Are there any out there.

I will be starting in January 06 :cheers:

Letters should come for us too in Novemberr... It was originally December so they have tried to move it up a bit. It's really not fair since the fall semester finds out in May. They have a lot longer to get their affairs in order. But whatever. There is some very good reason (although God has yet to reveal it to me) that I have to wait til Spring. I'm going to do my CPR in Aug and start on my immunizations now.

I'm gearing up for my fall classes... Statistics, American Gov., Med Term. and a Soc class (all for my BSN). Not looking forward to the Stats really.

On an aside.. I saw the movie Wedding Crashers last night and laughed so hard I almost wet my pants! Definitely a must see!

Specializes in CVICU.
Wanted to check on the crew......busy I bet. Please stop by and let us know how things are going. :)

Thanks for checking! Just enjoying my final 3 weeks of freedom before i start school. But the upside is that this is my last semester of pre-reqs. I am not looking forward to Stats. The word statistics scares me.

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.
Thanks for checking! Just enjoying my final 3 weeks of freedom before i start school. But the upside is that this is my last semester of pre-reqs. I am not looking forward to Stats. The word statistics scares me.

That is awesome. Enjoy every bit of it. I have never taken stats but will soon when I start working towards the BSN req's, I too have a phobia for numbers and the world of stats scares me too. Best wishes to you and let us know how it went. :wink2:

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

Checking on the crew once again. Have a wonderful day and study hard for those finals :)

I can't wait for Fall classes to start. Is anyone else excited??

Specializes in CVICU.
I can't wait for Fall classes to start. Is anyone else excited??

I am ready to get it over with. I know once I finish with the fall semester I will only have nursing classes left. :)

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

:lol2: Me too, I can't wait til the fall starts. For one, it's my favorite time of year and secondly, it's my last semester of pre req's (yay!!) ;)

Specializes in CVICU.
:lol2: Me too, I can't wait til the fall starts. For one, it's my favorite time of year and secondly, it's my last semester of pre req's (yay!!) ;)

Jessica I like your new picture. You look different from the last one. Fall is my favorite time of the year to.

Jessica I like your new picture. You look different from the last one. Fall is my favorite time of the year to.

Yeah Jessica. You look nice in that pic.

When do you guys predict you will graduate?

My school normally does not have clinical classes in the summer, but they are considering a Med/Surg class next summer. If I take 15 hours each semester and that Summer class I may be done by Dec '06.

Specializes in CVICU.

I know we started this thread to see who might be starting clinicals in the fall.I got my letter today. :D I am so excited and happy. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to the rest of your letters start rolling in.

I know we started this thread to see who might be starting clinicals in the fall.I got my letter today. :D I am so excited and happy. I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I can't wait to the rest of your letters start rolling in.

Congrats to YOU :biggringi

I am still waiting on 6, yes 6 schools.

I have stopped checking the mail in order to avoid charges being filed by the mailman. :p

Specializes in CVICU.
Congrats to YOU :biggringi

I am still waiting on 6, yes 6 schools.

I have stopped checking the mail in order to avoid charges being filed by the mailman. :p

Six schools. I went crazy waiting for one I could not imagine waiting for six! Good luck to you. I hope you find out soon. Keep us posted.

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