Published Dec 13, 2012
17 Posts
I searched online and I know medicare covers hospice. however, it says only 47 states cover hospice under medicaid. I searched, but it doesn't say which states are not covered. does anyone know which states are not covered under medicaid for hospice??
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
I'm confused - Medicaid is a Federal program. How can any states not have the same Medicaid coverage as other states?
JustBeachyNurse, LPN
13,957 Posts
Medicare is federal. Medicaid is state funded and run.
MunoRN, RN
8,058 Posts
Things may of changed, but in 2008 the three states were Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Oklahoma. They cover hospice but have more limited coverage than other states which mirror the medicare coverage and requirements. Medicaid Coverage of Hospice
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
Medicaid also receives Federal funding, but it is administered differently in each state as the State's funding is involved as well. That is why it differs. That is also why some Texans are wanted to seceed from the Union - they are not wanting to pay for Obamacare since the states did not approve the program but are being required to pay for it. I am not in favor of secession, but I don't like other people telling us what to do either. Just saying
470 Posts
Oh, it'd be SO fun to watch if Texas did succeed. /gets popcorn. BYE BYE!! It's open for debate if this is just the rightwing fringe, or actually mainstream, well thought out idea, or just pouting cuz rightwingers got spanked so hard in 2012,
sure is fun to consider their idea.
I loved it when Perry called the idea to walk away from the USA = "patriotic":roflmao: at a teabagger rally. Gotta love the teaparty,
an anti-tax group which started up because taxes are at the lowest rates they've ever been since the can only wonder if they are protesting LOWEST taxes ever? but, who knows.
Gotta love the tea party signs "keep your govt hands off of my medicare!"
and seeing people on medicare worrying about "socialism" as if they are somehow unaware that medicare IS socialism. adorable.
but, it'd break my heart if Texas "patriots"(?) secede------- if/when any hurricanes hit the coast of Texas without any federal help, but, we'll be rooting for you all to rebuild and survive, etc.
Without the feds paying for medicare in Texas anymore, guess those will be over. OH, and social security, gone.
I don't want to be the one to tell your gramma she's out there on her own now...
I normally never reply to posts about Obamacare, cuz,
it is a lost cause to change anyone's mind--------- facts don't matter in such discussions,
but, i had a minute til i run out the door,
and wanted to be one voice that even tried to inform you that the states get 3 full years fully paid for by the feds, and then, 90% paid for, for every year after that.
So many misconceptions in your post, hard to know where to start, but, Texas isn't being forced to accept this govt help, it's optional.
to the OP, sorry for the derail, but lots of times no one bothers replying this kind of post, (cuz it leads to outrage, and no one ever
changes their minds, cuz facts don't matter in such discussions..and i know i should not reply to this "texas is being forced" etc, when texas is NOT, at all,
but, no one else did.)
anyway, gotta go. PEACE OUT.
Medicaid also receives Federal funding, but it is administered differently in each state as the State's funding is involved as well.
jeannepaul, BSN
134 Posts
Jean Marie.....really? this is when I wish there was a "do not like" button.
dosamigos76, RN
349 Posts
Just the other day, Lousiana decided to drop the hospice benefit for Medicaid.
73 Posts
Medicaid is actually a state program which is partially funded by the federal government. States are "free" to set up the program as they wish. Obama Care is providing states with the option to expand their medicaid programs to reach more people, with the bulk of the expense being picked up by the federal government, but the states first have to "swallow their pride" and accept the funding. Many will not do so. In this regard, it isn't surprising that some states may ignore the dying patient and refuse to fund hospice through medicaid. It is a sad commentary on our country when those at the very end of life can't get the kind of loving and compassionate care that we can provide.