Which nurse called it?


90 yo male is no code, he stops breathing, Nurse A says call a code, nurse B says don't call a code. Which nurse is correct?:whistling:

Well, if he is a 'no code' then you would not call a code. 1 point for Nurse B. Why do you ask?

So no code means no crash cart, which means no artificial airways or other assist I've devices.

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Is this homework?

if he still had a heart beat, assist breathing in some way....

Was this patient a 'full code'? There can be different levels of code status.

OP: What is your opinion on the matter?

Morte,he has a heart beat. a crash cart will provide better ventilatory support than no crash cart.

RN403, so if the code status is no CPR and he isn't breathing we do nothing?

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

What do you think should be done, if anything?

If he is a partial code that's one thing it should state what can and can not be done

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