Published Sep 29, 2008
45 Posts
Which did you guys think was harder, your RN or your CRNA?
As for CRNA school, how much chemistry was involved? Were you drowned with chemical equations and lengthy math problems?
icyounurse, BSN, RN
385 Posts
I am not a CRNA but spent almost a month in a CRNA program and was unable to continue at the time for personal reasons.
I have to say that CRNA is much harder in my opinion. Its incredibly competetive (even compared to nursing school) to even get an interview in most areas and hard to get admitted. Just getting into CRNA school is a huge accomplishment for many. You will need a very high GPA in your undergrad, a good GRE score and excellent experience and often your CCRN is preferred.You will be competing for spots against very aggressive smart people. If you manage to get in the classes are on a graduate science based level so they are of course more difficult than a bachelors. The clinicals are way more intense, you have a much higher level of responsibility in clinicals as you are administering anesthesia which is complicated and dangerous, and also CRNA school requires significantly more hours in clinicals than an RN program. It is nearly impossible to work during CRNA school and you need loans or financial support for living expenses.
The chemistry requirements vary from program to program for CRNA, the one I was in required an undergrad chemistry course within the last 5 years and I was taking Organic and Biochemistry the 4 weeks I was there. It was very difficult for me and I got a C on my first test, which is highly unusual for me by the way as I never get C's and studied VERY intensely for this test.
Not trying to scare you, just being honest. You may be better at chemistry than me though. My C was a little above the class average, but not much.
RN school is hard as well, its certainly not easy, but CRNA school and RN school are very different.
62 Posts
Which did you guys think was harder, your RN or your CRNA?As for CRNA school, how much chemistry was involved? Were you drowned with chemical equations and lengthy math problems?
seriously there should be no question that getting a graduate degree is harder than an undergrad rn degree. search through these forums and you will see the amount of hours needed to graduate with a MSN in anesthesia
36 Posts
Are you serious????
102 Posts
I have studied more in the first 5 weeks of CRNA school than all of nursing school. They don't compare.
As far as chemistry, it is just a crash course in general, organic, and biochem. The Chemistry at my school doesn't seem to be too hard yet, the class average on the first test was very high.
188 Posts
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....................LMAO. Here's a comparison for you. If nursing school was bump in the road, CRNA school is like Mt. Everest. My programs chemistry was also a crash course in inorganic, organic and biochem and by crash course I mean a full 1000 page text book in 7 weeks.
I finish my first year in December and I have studied more in CRNA school than I have for my Paramedic/RN/BSN combined....and that doesn't mean browsing over the subject matter, that is endless hours of reading and rereading and rereading to fully understand the subject matter.