Which is best province among the four?

World Canada


To all Canadians, I want to ask if which is the best province among the four: Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island. Me and my fiance' is planning to migrate in Canada. I will be applying under Skilled Migrant Provincial Nominee Program. I do not have relatives in these areas and I really need your advice and comments on each of the provinces. I cannot decide entirely by the information that I have read through my research because most of it are welcoming for migrants, so I need your honest opinion on this one. Thank you.

Specializes in Geriatrics, Med-Surg..

Janfrn: I am sure your sister would love that. It is nice to have someone else's version. My mother hardly told me anything about her childhood but one night her three sisters were there and they had plenty to say and it was very interesting and informative.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

I've blogged stories of my very first real memory (living in Newfoundland as a toddler) and about learning to ski in Saskatchewan so far. I haven't decided on le souvenir du jour for today yet. But perhaps we should let this thread return to its original purpose now...

Specializes in OR.

PEI & NS are very friendly provinces. You will have a major adjustment to the snow, climate etc.. in health care, there is always a call for nurses & usually is a surplus of nursing jobs..

PEI is quite a small province, NS may have more opportunities.

Wages in nursing in the maritimes is a bit less than the more western provinces.

Manitoba & Saskatchewan have lots of nursing opportunities also..

But BC is the best ( I am just a little bit biased, but I know lots of reasons you should pick this province, even if it is a little bit more difficult for you.. (The weather is a bit milder out WEST) Much luck, enjoy Canada

Specializes in SICU, Burn Unit, PACU, CCU.

This is a good thread to read for those who consider migrating in Canada. Please keep on sharing different memories/experiences in the different provinces in Canada, especially the four mentioned by michrn (the thread starter). I hope you give the pros and cons of the different provinces. I have been given a job offer at Regina General Hospital in Regina, Saskatchewan. Prior to the job offer, I was clueless on what I was getting into (my bad) but I guess it was Divine intervention that led me to this. I am just waiting for my visa and deployment. I am having second thoughts of leaving my family behind here in Manila but some of your stories inspires me to continue with this. Please do share some more, your stories gives me more reasons to choose Canada over other countries or staying here in the Philippines.

See janfrn?! What did I tell you! Great stories warm the heart like hot chocolate...speaking of which...:hotchocolate:. I thought this thread was great for us IENs, thanks michrn. I agree, keep sharing...:yeah:

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

I guess you were right, clay07... People don't mind reading my meanderings. I haven't managed to blog a new story every day as I'd hoped (working shift work really puts a kink in things sometimes) but I do have 13 posts there and my sister has learned a few things she didn't know before. I can't include a link here because I'm sworn to uphold the TOS, links in our profiles aren't taboo...

People on this thread seem to be getting what they're looking for from my nattering. So I'll try to come up with some on-topic reminiscences and I think I just came up with one...

I've made no secret of the fact that my son is severely handicapped as the result of medical misadventure. For the last 20+ years, since long before I became a nurse, I've been case-managing and advocating for him and have learned an awful lot about how to get what he needs in a single-payer health care system. Health care reform is one of those never-ending, never-really-rational things that governments in Canada spend a great deal of time and money on without ever truly making it better. And politicians have a lot of difficulty understanding that health care isn't something that can be pigeonholed or separated into neat little pieces. Rather it's a patchwork of factors that require a broad-based and multi-disciplinary approach. Some provinces are really good at supporting people with special needs and others are really not; political ideology and expediency are often the drivers of reform rather than a desire for working toward the greater good.

In the late 80's and early 90's, when provincial budgets were being tightened, there was much rearranging of services. The deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill, while theoretically a good idea, wasn't followed up with improved community services for these people who hadn't had to be responsible for themselves in years... decades. the idea was that the province would save a lot of money by not having to staff psychiatric hospitals and group homes; the displaced would receive social assistance (welfare, coming from a different pocket of the same overcoat) and their meds would be covered, so that was good, right? People like my son would be integrated into the community and responsibility for their care and well-being would devolve to the families. It's much cheaper to care for people like him in their homes, because the bulk of the job is done by someone who is not paid for their work.

Manitoba was under the control of a Conservative government for many years when these reforms started. Canadian Conservative ideology focuses on big business and keeps its distance from social issues as much as possible. There had never been any question that my son would be cared for at home, although our understanding of what that entailed was rather poor. Because the injuries that led to his disabilities had happened in Ontario, he slipped through many of the cracks that exist for unsuspecting families who are learning to navigate the system. Manitoba had lots of great services for kids like him that are administered through the Children's Rehabilitation Centre and Children's Special Services. For example, adaptive equipment, assistance with retrofitting the home, communication devices, home nutrition supplies, diapers and soakers, respite, all were available at little or no cost through these programmes and the goal was the support of families caring for special needs members in the home. But there was no process for needs assessment or any introduction to the system. The port of entry into the system was a referral to the Children's Rehabilitation Centre; we weren't referred by Children's Hospital because of how and where he was injured so we missed several years of supports. When we finally got our referral and began receiving services we were pleased. The best part of it was the respite service that allowed us 4 hours a week of trained help; Saturdays a young lady came and took him out for the afternoon so that we had some free time. It's things like these that make caring for family members at home workable. But politicians don't see the connection to health care that exists in filling social needs.

Shortly after the provincial election in 1995, all of the families receiving supports from Children's Special Services were notified by the Minister of Family Services that they were now to become part of a government belt-tightening exercise: respite hours were being cut drastically across the board. With 7 months remaining in the fiscal year, our hours had been reduced to virtually nothing. In fact, we had exactly 12 hours of respite remaining in our "bank"... I had just been hired into my first hospital nursing position after a year of trying and we were going to need that respite more than ever.

Somewhere along the line I had evolved from a passive observer of events to someone who couldn't stand by and watch any more; I immediately wrote a letter to the Minister and cc'd it to the Winnipeg Free Press. I explained that cutting people's respite hours would shift the problem from social services to health care: the number of admissions to hospital for special needs children would increase as families burned out. The government had shifted the burden of care for these kids onto families but failed to provide the necessary supports to make it work. Would they rather pay someone $10 an hour to give parents a break, or $1000 a day for acute care hospitalization for the same purpose? And let's not forget that although the money came from different budgets, ultimately it all came out of the same pot. I mailed the letter (no email in those days!) on a Wednesday. That Friday I received a call from the editor of the Free Press; they wanted to run my letter as their weekly "Portage and Main" editorial and needed a photo to run with it. An hour later a photographer was at my house taking my picture.

On the Monday I got a call from our case worker. Her opening statement almost made me laugh... "This is going to sound really fishy... but really, it has nothing to do with the Portage and Main column... the Minister has reconsidered and everyone will have their respite reinstated to the original number of hours. No, seriously, this was already decided before the paper came out on Saturday..." Okay. If you say so.

The message I'd like you to take from this is that you can learn a lot about the places you might want to call home by reading the local newspapers on-line and following discussions of current events. Learn about the political climate and the ideology driving their choices. Then at least you'll have your eyes open.

You go janfrn!!!!!!!!!!! More power to you! Alot of us are like this saying, "if a tree falls in the forest and there's noone there to hear it, does it still make a sound?" It sure does! I guess I'm saying had you been the one who stayed home and fuss about the system, you would gave been voicing your concern, but noone would have heard....but in your case, you cried TIMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More power to you!:bow:

Thanks alot for that bit, I really never gave much thought into researching political ideologies of the province that I'm going to be staying, but now I am. I mean, it's not like we're coming to visit or spend vacation, we're coming there to live! It really just hit home (no pun intended)! Thanks again.

"...you would gave been voicing your concern?" huh? LOL!!!

Let's try that again, don't know what I was mutterring there.:lol_hitti

I believe I was trying to say that if you had been one of those to stay home and fuss about the system, sure you would have been voicing your concerns but no one would have heard you...but in your case you shouted TIMBER!!!!!

Hope that made better sense! Teehee.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

I have found that letter-writing is a reasonably successful method of getting attention for the things I think are important. (That's part of how I ended up as staff on this website, actually.) Sometimes things get fixed and sometimes they don't, but most of the time the effort is worth it. I've written letters about a lot of topics that matter to me, especially the treatment of people with special needs and to help the public understand nurses and nursing issues, and it got to be a bit of a standing joke at work. "I'm going to write a letter..." My email signature line fits me to a tee:

"For me, words are a form of action, capable of influencing change."

Ingrid Bengis

Specializes in OR.

I recently attended a conference where one of the topics was about ien's (internationally educated nurses') this was held in vancouver british columbia, and the presentation was about welcoming and facilitating the integration of ien's.

It was refreshing as we need internationally trained nurses.

Some of the ien's presented as well, and told their individual stories

there is assistance with language, integration, and i believe there is a 12 week process of assistance to new to canada nurses.. In bc, bcnu & crnbc should be able to help you. These are the british columbia nurses' union, & the canadian registered nurses of bc association.. Good luck.. & welcome!!

( i am sure the other canadian provinces have similar programs)

Specializes in SICU, Burn Unit, PACU, CCU.

any other feedbacks in Saskatchewan? Specifically in Regina because this is where I was offered with a nursing job..

Specializes in ortho or.

regina or saskatoon would be alright.

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