Where is the light at the end of the tunnel?


Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.

I just need to talk out loud and thank all of you in advance for listening....

There is so much going on in my life right now that I am starting to feel overwhelmed.

1. We found out about a month ago that our grandson is not our grandson:eek:. My son had a paternity test done and it states that he has 0% probability of being the father. The story is too long so this is all I will say on the subject.

2. The roof in our bedroom has been leaking and the cieling needs to be replaced:urgycld:.

3. My precious little dog named sammy, who I have had for the last 12 years may have a tumor in his throat:bluecry1:. Will find out soon, just hoping I have the money to help him.

4. I started a new job in a psych facility and they have been calling me off at least once a week. I cant live on only 24hrs a week in pay. I got the feeling they are going to start laying people off or I will only get one day a week of work. I wish I would have never taken this new job:banghead:. They say we might be on low census the entire summer.

Now I sit here wondering, how am I going to pay my bills. How will I help my precious little dog? I am feeling so down trodden at this moment and feel like crying:cry:.

I dont think I have ever been in this situation as far as I can remember. What a horrible feeling. My husband and I have worked so hard just to make a living and now it is going down hill.

Today I have been applying any and everywhere, even 80 miles away just to find a job that will pay my bills. I was hoping to go back to school for my RN, but will probably have to put it on hold.

I keep telling myself "this too shall pass".

I just cant seem to find the light at the end of the tunnel:(.

Sorry so long!

Specializes in SICU/MICU/NeuroICU, life flight.

I'm sorry you are so down. That is a lot going on all at once, I too would be overwhelmed. I hope that one of those jobs you applied for turns out to be a really great opportunity, ripe with warm people and satisfying work! Best wishes for your dog.

Be well.

Specializes in ICU, Psych.

I am very sorry to hear that you are having a bad streak in life, i think that this happens to everyone.

I would find the leak in the roof ASAP and temporary fix it with lots of silicone or a few singles depending on how big the leak is. You do not want to get mold going, them you can go back later when funds are here and fix it right.

I am sorry about your puppy, I have several pets, including a almost 20 year old blind, toothless, aching Siamese cat, I love her very much she has been with me for half my life and I am sure I will soon miss her. I feel your pain.

Psych facilities around my neck of the woods have the same problem. That is why I went to ICU. From getting low census once a week, I went to working more then I ever cared to work.

Like Forrest's mom said in the movie "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you get" and I hope you start finding the ones you like again soon. Things will pass. Let your family,friends and your Deity be your comforters.

Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.

Thank you so much for your kind words. It does warm my heart so:)

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I'm sitting here crying holding both my babies, Gizzy and Pearl. I can't imagine being in a position were they need care, and I was unable to provide it to them. I'm going to say a nice long prayer for you, including the health of your Sammy.

And if you have had a relationship with your grandson, I hope you will be able to cont to show him that love. Blood doesn't always matter. I know it may be hard, but good luck.

((((((((HUG))))))))) truly wish I could offer more.

Specializes in Tele, Infectious Disease, OHN.

Anyone would be overwhelmed with all of that going on! My heart aches for your situation especially with your grandson and your dog, not to mention the job problems. I hope your puppy is okay without expensive treatment. You know you can always come here for {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}.

Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.

Thanks to everyone who have showed such kindness and support. It means so very much.

On another note, I have a job interview on monday at an LTC for night shift. It is approx 35 miles from here so we will see how it goes. I will be asking lots of questions to make sure they do not low census on a regular basis. I need my hours!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I didn't think about this until last night when I went to bed, but some vets (at least around here) will allow you do have procedures done and set up a payment plan if it is life threatening. Might not hurt to ask around and see if any do that in your area.

Big love and Huggs to you!! And yes "this too shall pass". hard to see when you are in the mist of it all. Be extra kind to yourself at the moment, and do some things that you prob wouldn't normally do in this situation... go for a bush walk, or along the beach, get in touch with whomever it is that is your "higher power", and ask for guidance. You will get through this and you have all our loving support here on line.

God bless darling.:heartbeat

Specializes in Assisted Living Nurse Manager.
Big love and Huggs to you!! And yes "this too shall pass". hard to see when you are in the mist of it all. Be extra kind to yourself at the moment, and do some things that you prob wouldn't normally do in this situation... go for a bush walk, or along the beach, get in touch with whomever it is that is your "higher power", and ask for guidance. You will get through this and you have all our loving support here on line.

God bless darling.:heartbeat

A very "humble" thank you! Your kind words brings warmth to this very chilly time in my life.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes we have to be grateful for the things we do have. You might have a leaky roof, but it is a roof over your head. Remember the joyous years you have spent with Sammy and I hope he will be o.k.. I'm sure your grandson has brought you much happiness in your life and as another post stated blood is not everything and hopefully you can maintain a relationship with him. Your next job is going to be all that you imagined and even more money. And you are absoultely right "this too shall pass".

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