Published Dec 4, 2009
2 Posts
Hi can anyone please help me find a school in montreal quebec canada that offers LPN courses to english students??
Also i would like to inquire on how to roll from certified nursing assisstant to a licensed practical nurse and how long is the course usually??.. please reply asap if you can help i really really need the 411 on this. Thank you!
Silverdragon102, BSN
1 Article; 39,477 Posts
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17 Posts
Im a RNA from Montreal, quebec. There is no specific course titled as lpn or lvn except for the Registered Nursing assistant program that is 2years in length and is offered in vocational schools. You don't even have a final exam, you just do an exam after certain modules. soon in the future they will make a request where students will have to complete a final exam. You may write the prn/lpn exam in other provinces to work.. BUT in terms of transfering credits to other schools in other provinces it wont work !!!!
you may got o the oiiaq website and they list all school's in where you can do the course.
Thank you very much for the info. So your saying if I study here for Nursing Assistant and plan to move to another province to work all I just have to do is take the exams for lvn? Sorry I was just confused about this, coz somebody had told me before that Nursing assistant is not considered as lvn elsewhere except quebec, they said id have to re-do a 2 year course to practice being an lvn in other province.
loriangel14, RN
6,933 Posts
Are you planning on working as a nurse in Quebec? I believe you would need to bo fluent in French to do so.
HI Derek,
ok so my last post was from december and now that were march 1st, i had just received a letter from the CNO, (canadian nurses order of ontario) 2 weeks ago. Apparently you no longer need to do the exam to work in any other province in canada.
If you do the RNA program in Quebec, you are considered now as a LPN/LVN, they are sending memos to hospitals and nursing homes to change the RNA ( registered nursing assistant ) title . EX maimonides, which is a geriatric hospital- nursing home, they sent those memos.
so if your interested in the program go for it.
8,343 Posts
There is no such animal as an LVN in Canada.
animal? right, sounds great!
Hi DerekM,
i thought you should know that as of now you officially do not need to do any exams to work as a lpn/lvn in other provinces if your lvn education was done in canada. Only thing is now in the quebec curriculum they just re-introduced the maternity and pediatrics module. so if you ahve that completed within quebec , all you need to do is just register with the ex: cno in ontario and pay a certain amount fo money along with proof ( transcripts) and your good to go
82 Posts
I'm going to Dawson College in Montreal for Nursing. It's a 3-year program, in English to become an LPN, in Quebec (though judging by the previous posters, that may have changed recently). After that, you have to take two years of university to get a degree (and I'm assuming become an RN) and work outside of Quebec. As far as french goes, you'll be taking french in this program no matter what, but to work, you'll only need minimal french anyways. I personally know and have dealt with many healthcare professionals who know barely any. And there's a pretty big segregation between the "English hospitals" (i.e. St-Mary's, Jewish general, Shriner's) and the "French hospitals" (i.e. St-Luc, Notre-Dame, Hotel-Dieu) in Montreal, believe me.
Check out the FAQ too, it's pretty helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions :)
congrads gpatry,
I have just started at John Abbott College with the Rn program. Its a long wayf or me to go, going from RNA and now to RN. I have heard a lot fo positive things about dawson college. How are things there? At John Abbott , its so-so, lots of new things im learning yet a lot fo things are not being taught clearly at the same time that in vocational school it was more clearer.
Thanks Mizzash and congrats to you too! I just reread my last post and noticed it implies that I'm currently going there. I'm sorry, I meant I will be going to Dawson. I start in August :) So I don't know what it's like there quite yet, but I'm excited to find out and will definitely let you know! I can't wait to start as I've heard good things about it too.
That is quite a big jump for you, and I'm sorry that your classes are unclear and, by the sounds of it, overwhelming. If there's one lesson I learned from going to college (I took Social Sciences for a year and a half and decided it wasn't for me, though it was very interesting to learn), it's that if anything is ever unclear, to go see your professors during their office hours, and most will happily clear things up for you and take as much time to do it as it takes. As far as there being lots and lots of new material to learn, I think that'll happen to all of us throughout our nursing careers and the best thing you can do it take it one step at a time :) In any case, I wish you the best of luck and maybe we'll end up working together at some point!