Published Jul 22, 2005
10 Articles; 19,052 Posts
[color=#cc3333]new jcaho standards require smoking cessation advice/counseling
the joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations (jcaho) now requires hospitals and other health care organizations to document adult smoking history and smoking cessation advice/counseling for three specific diagnoses: acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and community acquired pneumonia.
mod comment:
soon we will have to document how many sheets of toilet paper or tissues used too...
14,633 Posts
"When does it stop"?? It will never stop, because JCAHO has to keep inventing new standards and requirements in order to justify its own existence ... Otherwise, once all the hospitals got up to speed and in compliance with all the current requirements, what would be the rationale for continuing to pay JCAHO many thousands of dollars for the "privilege" of being surveyed by them? It's a game ...
138 Posts
I'm still trying to remember not to write QD...will probably be a long while before I get around to mandatory smoking advice.
sharann, BSN, RN
1,758 Posts
Next year will be, oh lets see, how about" nurses will use BLACK pens on narrative charting and BLUE ink on graphic..."
Maybe they will focus on us kissing their butts more next year.
1,041 Posts
[color=#cc3333]new jcaho standards require smoking cessation advice/counseling 7/15/05the joint commission on accreditation of healthcare organizations (jcaho) now requires hospitals and other health care organizations to document adult smoking history and smoking cessation advice/counseling for three specific diagnoses: acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, and community acquired pneumonia. mod comment:soon we will have to document how many sheets of toilet paper or tissues used too... karen
how else are they to justify their existence but to continue to make more meaningless standards which requires more work? they need to work too after all.
who monitors them? when will hospitals say enough is enough? have any of the joko employees ever worked a day in a hospital?
edit: i shoulda read the 2nd post. i coulda saved time typing about such a useless organization.
235 Posts
Of course, not just any RN can point out that smoking and heart/lung health is not a good mix. I think we simply MUST have a certification for smoking cessation RNs. We can have exams we can charge for. So we need to have study guides and materials too. And when everyone passes we can sell em mugs and t-shirts with the certification logo on it. Then we can have subspecialty exams, CSC-C and CSC-CP (Certified Smoking Cessation-Cigarettes & Certified Smoking Cessation-Cigars/Pipes). And then we can duplicate everything for advanced practice nurses. And a journal toooooo.
I am gonna be riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich beyond my wildest.
193 Posts
There's a couple of threads going about JCAHO now, neither too complimentary. The ironic thing I just noticed is all the JCAHO ads at the bottom of the post pages.
401 Posts
I believe the best place to push cessation programs is in the community, not during an acute hospitalization. However, hospitals are pushing programs like these since they often part of the criteria for the coveted "magnet status."
Marie_LPN, RN, LPN, RN
12,126 Posts
Soon we will have to document how many sheets of toilet paper or tissues used too...
Oh coporate's complaining that we go through too much TP. It's just a matter of time before the TP is cutback to pts. ONLY, and employees get the Sears catalog in its place. IF we're lucky.
As for Joint's newest curveball, this post sums it up for me as well:
CseMgr1, ASN, RN
1,287 Posts
JACHO Accreditation is just another meaningless and expensive piece of paper. What good is accreditation, without the nursing staff?
Mod Comment:
....And how many flushes each sheet requires. :chuckle
20,964 Posts
well anytime the government and such an organization are in cahoots, it aint' too good. each feeds and exists to justify the other.