On July 29 my 53 year old mother was dx with stage IA uterine cancer. She has surgery on Aug 2 at Mayo and they removed her cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes and appenix x 2. She was released after 5 days. She spent several days doped up on Darvocet and my dad finally decided that I could take that away from her. She had all adverse rxs including hallucinations and confusion. Well, she went back to Mayo yesterday after c/o different abd pain, refusing to eat or drink and very weak. She was admitted for dehydration, poor nutrion and partial abd. blockage. Of course they gave her some pain med and ativan and she again began hallucinating and become very disoriented. Of course her admitting condition could be aggrevating this, but she has always been very sensitive to pain meds. She is being taken into surgery as I type because after more testing they figured out she is collecting fluid in her abd. but don't know where it is coming from.
She has PKD (polycytic kidney disease) and her creatine has been running around 1.9-2.1 the last year and hasn't changed much for several years. This has contributed to HTN, but otherwise she has been in good health. With the PKD it's a wait and see type of disease. You can only control s/sx like the HTN to prevent further damage. When things exaccerbate you face dialysis or a transplant.
Okay, other than just needing to let this out, What more can she possibly end up happening?? I had a dream about her several years ago needing an unknown surgery and ending up with a colostomy and on hospice. I know this was just a dream, but I have had them come true before and it seems like I'm living in a big bubble.
Thanks for letting me vent......Lisa