When should I start thinking about Nurse Corps?


Hello All,

I was in the Marines for 4yrs and worked in Iraq and Afghanistan as contractor when I got out of the military (almost 4yrs in the desert). I am now in the process of a career change from a Network Engineer (Information Technology) background to hopefully become a Nurse in the military. I was wondering when would be the best time to reach out to any of the branches about their Nurse Corps? I know that a BSN is required, but is there any branch that lets you become an officer with an ADN as you try to pursue your BSN?

I know I still have a long way to go since I start the ADN program this Fall2012, but I just want to know any information that might help with my planning to becoming an officer one day. What would be the best route to becoming an officer and as well have the financial help of going to school?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Nurse Corp - is there an age limit? I just completed my BSN but am (gasp) 45.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

There is some basic information in this "sticky" thread from the bottom of the forum:


Thank you very much! As reading the thread, I don't see much of an option to join any of the branches unless a BSN is met. I was hoping to have some financial help towards my goal as a RN. I know most of the money I will need for my ADN will be out of pocket, but I was hoping there would be some kind of an alternative solution to hopefully not go in debt by the time I do get my BSN.

Specializes in SICU.
ANCP may be an option.
Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.

Semper Fi Marine!

Last time I checked, keep in mind this was seveal years ago and things have probably changed, you could join with an associates as long as you were going to have a BSN within one year.

As far as the financing, what about your GI Bill? Another option is finding a cheap online RN-BSN program. I paid for my ADN out of pocket, got my BSN via online RN-BSN (University of Wyoming very cheap), and now I am using my GI BIll and signed up for the Army Reserve STRAP program to fund my graduate studies when I start anesthesia school in August.

I would also get in contact with the health care recruiters for the different branches and find out what your options are. Applying to some of their programs is lengthy and time consuming.

Awesome! I will check out all of these options tonight.

Semper Fi ckh23!

I am using my GI bill currently and will be using it for the ADN program. I will definitely concentrate on school and nursing school only without any distraction from work. My main goal is to do the same path you did. Once I receive my ADN I will look for a RN-BSN program ASAP. Thank you for the heads up about University of Wyoming. I will tackle the ADN program this Fall and hopefully do well in my classes. So, I should start planning with all of these options once I finish my ADN program.

thank you chudder! Exactly what I was looking for! I should definitely concentrate on my ADN before even thinking about the nurse corps. I wanted to see other options as far as financial help with nursing school other than the GI bill.

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

The Army Reserves used to give out commissions with a ADN but they stopped that last year. So at this time there is no services which will make you an officer with a ADN.

Used the old GI BILL as well to pay my way through school - it lasted me around 5ish years that it took for school.

I groan these days to think persons with bachelor's in other areas can become a nurse in a single year :p I don't know how a person could feel competent after all that cramming!

Thank jeckrn! I saw at the Army Reserves website that once you do have your ADN and pursuing a BSN that will take 6-24 months to complete, they have the SPECIALIZED TRAINING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (STRAP). I will pursue that for sure.

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