Published Jul 27, 2014
63 Posts
It's a local community college. I live in a big college city where one university completely dominates. The local university (VCU) has a waiting list, and while the community college was competitive to get into, obviously the big university is even more competitive. Every time I tell someone I made it in and am starting soon, they always ask "Oh nice! Are you going to VCU?" to which I reluctantly say it's a 2 year program at a local college, and once I graduate and get my RN license I'll be doing a bridge BSN program at either VCU or ODU.
Everyone is happy for me, but I downplay the community college aspect and to be honest I feel it won't be the same. I haven't started yet, so I could be wrong, and I've been told otherwise, so I'm starting to think I may just be taking it for granted. I had to choose between going on the waiting list and just hope it happens soon, or buckling down and attending the community college for 2 years. I chose the latter. Anyone have any experience with the two?
I know nursing school isn't easy, and if I'm investing a ton of time and effort into this, I want the best schooling and experience I can get. I quit my corporate America job at 26 years old to pursue something that would provide much more satisfaction for my hard work.
3 Articles; 10,428 Posts
Screw the naysayers. You'd really be willing to wait around and see if you get into the Big College at some point in the next couple of years....instead of actually BEING a nursing student? Fail to see that as a good plan.
You said a couple of times you're entering a 2-year program....have you completed all the pre-requs and are now starting the core 2-year nursing program? Or are you starting the pre-reqs FOR the 2 year nursing program (which, typically, takes 3-3.5 years)?
1 Article; 942 Posts
I too am 26 and I dont have experience but I too am choosing the AS program at my local community college vs a private school. However I have a young family and because of this and finances I am choosing the local community. However for me I think the chances are backwards, the community college is ALOT more competitive (because its the only AS program around). Find out what the NCLEX passing scores are for the schools. Call local hospitals (future potential employers) and find out if they have a preference for either program. Where I live the graduates of the community college and highly sought after. Just because it has a waiting list doesnt immediately mean that they are more competitive, maybe the just have smaller classes and can let less students into the program compared to the community college. If you still really prefer the BS program is continuing working on transferable non-nursing classes a possibility, that way you are not "wasting" your time just waiting.
Maybe go to the state group here on AN and as current students about the program at both schools
281 Posts
For your situation I would probably go through the nursing school and bridge over later. You'll still be a registered nurse right? You can start working hopefully soon after nursing school and bridge over later. That's what I did anyway and it worked out for me here in South Mississippi.
173 Posts
Just go with the ADN. You're already in, don't wait. I just graduated from an ADN program, and our program was a lot more welcome in the hospitals than the local well known BSN program. Our NCLEX pass rates are also better. Just because it is a higher degreed program does not make it a better school. Bridging after you get your RN is not a bad way to go. Good luck!
38,333 Posts
Be grateful for what you got. You can always upgrade later whereas the people who weren't accepted to either program have a brick wall between them and their future.
rob4546, ADN, BSN, MSN
1,020 Posts
I couldn't imagine being on a wait list for any amount of time. If your GPA isn't outstanding then it could be some time before you get entry. In that case I believe that you would be able to finish the ADN program and start your BSN bridge before they would call your name.
Now I wouldn't give up on the BSN idea though. Once you are done get your BSN when time allows. I chose to start right away because I am still in the studying frame of mind.
Good luck and knock this out.
75 Posts
So rn to bsn programs allow to you start them before you have your rn :)
NurseGirl525, ASN, RN
3,663 Posts
In my town, it's much more competitive to get in the cc over the 4 year university. My 2 year program is one of the best in the state and has a better NCLEX pass rate than most BSN programs. It boasts a 100% pass rate. So be happy you got in and don't worry about what other people say. Live your life for you.
No. A traditional BSN program is a 4 year college degree; after graduation one is eligible to sit for NCLEX-RN.
The RN-BSN bridge program they're discussing is an option for someone who already HAS a RN license, but has "less" than a Bachelor's degree, typically an ADN although one can enter as a diploma school RN grad. For these 'completion' programs, one must already be a licensed RN. Some programs also require one to be a working RN before admission, but that varies quite a bit.
Oftentimes, someone will take pre-requisite courses at a 2-year school, and then transfer them to a 4 year school to enter a BSN program. It is not an RN-to-BSN program; it is simply a BSN program.
All I know is, I'm currently in an RN ADN program (have not yet taken the NCLEX or completed my program) and am also enrolled in an RN to BSN program, even though I don't have my RN. In fact, I start the nursing classes for RN to BSN before I started RN school. Nursing classes being classes such as NUR401-NUR495, actually any of the classes needed to complete the program, without my rn. I just can't get the diploma until I have my RN and send them that info.
And these classes are not even anatomy type classes, with the exception of my senior practicum class which is only one class, I can do all of my other classes, as that is the only class that requires a license to practice in a hospital. And yes, it is an accredited program. I probably have to put in more effort to learn the material than the already RNs, but it is possible and an option... At least at my school that I'm doing my bsn through