When your boss is a buns-hole...


My boss is a major buns-hole every day! He talks down to staff and well, quite frankly makes a major b.h. of himself on a regular basis. He just went on and on today. Apparently, I forgot to fill out my TPS reports... Guess I'll have to use a cover sheet next time.

Specializes in Nursing Education.

I have had bosses like that and all I can say is ... what comes around, goes around and that really does happen. Good Luck! :(

It sucks when you have to deal with peeps like this, but this helps me....

Do the "Grin and Nod" technique..... :chuckle

Agree with whatever they are saying... GRIN. (nice not cheeky).. and NOD (slight bobbing of head in understanding way).... because No Matter what it is, they are going to have to be right anyway......

This just takes the wind out of thier sails..... and allows you to get on with your day... plus they do not have as much fun toying with you and will go pick on somebody else.

And when ya get home..... tell US all about it!!


MaryRose :balloons:

I forgot to add that this is much easier to do if your fellow workers who must endure the same person knows the technique too..... nothing like seeing someone doing the "Grin and Nod" and knowing why to make ya grin. This really does work....

I forgot to fill out my TPS reports... Guess I'll have to use a cover sheet next time.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Buns-hole LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It sucks when you have to deal with peeps like this, but this helps me....

Do the "Grin and Nod" technique..... :chuckle

Agree with whatever they are saying... GRIN. (nice not cheeky).. and NOD (slight bobbing of head in understanding way).... because No Matter what it is, they are going to have to be right anyway......

This just takes the wind out of thier sails..... and allows you to get on with your day... plus they do not have as much fun toying with you and will go pick on somebody else.

And when ya get home..... tell US all about it!!


MaryRose :balloons:

This is a good idea. Not straightforward, but it reeks of passive-agressive. LOVE IT. It will drive him nuts.

BUNS HOLE!! TOO cute! 8.gif

Apparently, I forgot to fill out my TPS reports... Guess I'll have to use a cover sheet next time.

Teee Heee Heeee, I love that movie. At least you don't have 8 bossess all telling you the same thing.

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