For the past 2 shifts Ive worked Ive gotten a really bad vibe from an aide. Im not for sure why exactly...but a few weeks ago the day nurse had asked me if we had ever had problems from her...the aide has the WORST attitude Ive ever seen. She wasnt like that at first but shes turned into a monster. She has caused alot of trouble, she tries to watch aides and nurses and tells on them for things that usually arent true...she makes alot of assumptions but rarely if ever has a known fact. Shes not a team player. Shes sneaky. ive seen her watching me before. She's had numerous complaints from patients that are with it and can name her by name..she threw linen at one of the patients and nothing was done...they keep putting her right back on the unit that has complained about her being hateful, rude, mean etc. to them. Anyway, a nurse reported it on day shift. I stayed out of it because I havent witnessed anything with my own eyes/ears. What that nurse told me happened on her shift, not mine. The nurse had told me in report about it and that she was going to say aide looks at me like she could rip me in half every time I go to work...she wont speak to me which is good but when I say hello i think its only courteous to say something nice back., she rolls her eyes at me, ignores me when I ask her for my vitals or my outputs, in fact...last time she didnt give my vitals to me..she gave them to the day nurse to give to me....the very nurse that in fact reported her! I think she may have had something said to her by the powers that be and thinks I reported her. I jut dont appreciate it. i have done nothing to her. She would be more suitable to work on a construction crew diggng holes and laying pipes in 4 foot ditches or something. The attitude has got to go! have you ever been around someone who just made you feel so uneasy? When Im around her, I immediately get a deep seeded bad gut feeling about there is something pure evil about her...and Im serious when I say evil. Put it this way, when shes near me, I feel like satan himself is next to me in the form of a female!!!!! Demonic is the only other way I can describe her.I just avoid her if possible but they keep putting her on my units and wont switch me to the other one.