What's the nicest thing a patient has done for you?

Nurses Announcements Archive


The other day a patient baked me a homemade berry pie and brought it up to the floor with a really nice note saying some of the sweetest things! It made me feel so special!

I really like the "Thank you, you're a great nurse" statements.

Specializes in Nursing assistant.

My current home health pt is truly a friend. What can beat that?

Specializes in Nursing assistant.

Oh yeah, and my caregiver to a past pt, Mr. R who told me 3 days before he died " It's not about you, it's what you bring with you ( the Lord)." Humbling but so so true...

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I was told one time by a patient that i was an angel. I also had one gentleman who tried to help me off the floor each time i knelt down to assist him with his prostetic leg. the same gentleman who always tried to help me off of the floor gave me a beenie baby bear.

Specializes in Med/Surg.
A ten year old boy wrote me a hand-written apology letter for being a "smarty pants". I LOVED IT. It was completely unprompted by anyone (he didn't have parents...).

Gotta love kids :lol2:

i have had so many things given to me thru my 9 years of nursing for such little things i consider my job. but i think the one thing that has touched my heart the most was i recieved a note on my clip board from 2 little girls ages 7 and 11. i take care of their daddy who is a quadrapalegic. it said "thank you for taking such good care of our daddy". i started to cry and i heard them ask their daddy why i cried. he told them to ask me that question and i told them that means more to me coming from 2 little girls. i taped it to my clip board so i can see it everyday.:crying2:

wow what peopple do to say thank you for being such a great nurse i was reading each and every one of these and it broght me to tears it was so touching.

Specializes in pure and simple psych.

A very paranoid young man said that I could use his "full and legal name" when working with other people with schizophrenia, so that they would know that my interventions "really worked, with real people."

Another patient said "The thing about you is that you have a very high 'give a s**t' factor."

One gave me a beautiful pink rock to add to my desk collection.

When one of my people come up and hug my neck and says, "I love you!"

I work with the mentally/physically challenged.....and they can express emotions just like anyone else.

It makes my day when one of them does that!

i was given a beautiful scarf from my first follow through and an offer for dinner on them when she returns from india. Lovely woman. 24 hour labour, many hours on sinto and ended up with a c section and it was my first and i was asked if i wanted to scrub in and hold a retractor. as a first year thats rare. I thanked my woman so much for letting me get so personal with her......lol, i know her inside out now!!!! she now calls me friend, not student!!!

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