Whats to Enjoy about Nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


I'm a student and have been reading up on some of these forums and many, many nurses would leave their jobs if they didn't need the money. Everyone continually talks about how stressful their jobs are based on scheduling, continuing education, pay scales, nurse/patient ratio...etc. I was wondering..why do nurses even bother with work? Why don't they switch professions into something less demanding and as good of pay? What makes you get up in the morning (or evening or night!) to go to work?

I don't think I have an unrealistic view of nursing, if you are implying that I do. I have been doing this for only 7 1/2 months but I have seen my share of the infighting, politics, and scary stuff including ratios that I don't think are safe. But my outlook is overall positive and I am proud of my career choice.

I was trying to highlight the positives for the OP. I don't want someone who is new to the field to be scared away by negative comments, and it seemed to me the OP wanted to find out if there are any positives, so I shared mine. Sure, I could say that sometimes I feel woefully unprepared, that sometimes these little babies scare the crap out of me and doctors drive me crazy, but overall, the main major way I feel about being a nurse is completely positive and I am sure to the depths of my being that this is what I was born to do. I don't think one year or 12 will change the fact that I have found what I am meant to do--albeit later in life--and I will share that enthusiasm with anyone in order to help them find out if it is right for them or not. I don't feel that I am unrealistic nor do I have an unrealistic view of what nurses do.

Specializes in PICU, surgical post-op.

Hey- for all of you who have responded to the OP with moans of frustration at the hardships of nursing ... why? There are plenty of other threads to be frustrated in. And I'm going to go look for some of them after this, because I just had "one of those days". But she wanted to hear from people what there is to love about nursing. Why it is that, despite it all, we still get up in the mornings for it. Can't we focus on that?

Personally, I love being the one to fill in the void of questions that suddenly opens when a child becomes critically ill. I love being the one a family can turn to and entrust their child to. I love when little babies use their Ballard to teethe on. All day long. So much so that I have to change it at the end of my shift. I love when kids draw me pictures, and I love the relief in a mother's face when she says "I'm so glad you're his nurse today." I love watching a kid progress from being a full-out mess, on CVVH and pressors to talking and joking and walking out the door. I love the challenge of a fresh trauma, the not knowing and the critical thinking. I love starting IVs in teddy bears. I love recovering scolis and hearing the hilarious things they say thanks to demerol PCAs. I love it when a kid starts out my shift crying when I walk into the room and ends it crying when I leave. I love that I carry finger puppets right next to my hemostats. And I love, love LOVE how tired I am at the end of the day. Because I feel like I've accomplished something.

(Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find somewhere to vent about the idiot trauma doc who wouldn't clear my kid's c-spine :chuckle)

"For the chance to have just one patient look up at me and say "thank you"."

Amen. For every 3 pts that threaten to sue me/hit me/call me a bit** the one that says "thanks for all your great care." makes my day every time!:nurse:

Nursing is intellectually stimulating. I find the people I care for and their families facinating. There's so much diversity in human beings and their responses to situations, I love it! There's also humor and comedy in nursing with weird situations and strange people. I also find my co-workers amusing and interesting.

Specializes in Emergency.

For me, there are plenty of things I enjoy about nursing besides the money.

Like: the super comfy scrubs available in every color imaginable, giving pt care, providing health education, meeting tons of new people, having autonomy to do my job without somebody micromanaging me, using my brains, being on my feet, never being bored at work, learning at least one new thing every day, developing better psycho-social skills, learning how to handle difficult situations, being appreciated by a few patients (and most of the public), learning how to really listen and read between the lines, working with other intelligent hard working individuals, knowing that my coworkers have been through what I have been through and more and will be there for me, having endless opportunities for advancement and specialized training, being able to help your family in a medical crisis (which is priceless and paycheck-less), learning about yourself and what you can really do if you have to, having a stranger put complete trust in you, being allowed into somebody's life and having the opportunity to help that person, and there are so many more....

For me so far, the biggest enjoyment I have had came this week when one of my nursing instructors came to visit a family member in the hospital and came looking for me (I was the nurse) to tell me that her family and the pt were so thankful for all of the care and hard work I had done. For her to look me in the eye and tell me that she was glad I was the nurse and give me a hug with tears in her eyes was priceless.

Oh yeah, and the most motivating reason for me to get out of my bed at 5:45 in the morning is the smell of coffee from my programmable coffee maker! I don't know how I ever lived without one. Good luck with your nursing school! I am sure that you will find a reason that will motivate you to pull those long nights and study your buns off-if you don't have one already. The money is enough for some, and I think that many people work because they need the money. But there are so many rewards in nursing, and if you keep your eyes and heart open they will find you.

You sound very intelligent and insightful, nursingiswork!

Specializes in Emergency Room.

I'm a student and have been reading up on some of these forums and many, many nurses would leave their jobs if they didn't need the money.

over 80% of working people would leave their jobs if they didn't need the money:roll

I am soon to start my nursing program--I guess I'm just getting worried! I hear so much about the bad things that I feel like there may be no good in nursing, even though I know better than that!

All i can tell you is to try to get real-world research on what you're getting into. Nursing school isn't like the real nursing world at all. It will have you fooled. It is imperative that you find out exactly what your job will be before you dive in. Don't wait until you have put your time and money into 4 years (or 2 years) of education and decide that you are miserable.

I can tell you, my intentions were and still are good. I wanted to be the nurse that will make a difference. And I'm sure I have in some of my patients' lives. But sometimes, you just can't be what you need to be. And it is stressful. And if you're a nervous-type like me, stress might kill you. Everyone can't handle it. I will leave you with this, if you believe in God, you better get close and stay close if you're not already. If you don't believe in God, find a religion and pratice it, religiously. It will help you through a lot of the hard times.

Good luck and don't be discouraged. Just know exactly what you are getting into. Not everyone is unhappy with nursing, but a few of us are. And for those that are, it's not that easy to just up and go back to school. If it was, the nursing workforce would be in trouble.

Specializes in Postpartum.

[EVIL]Cooper can say that because she's only been an RN for less than a year. You just wait!. [/EVIL] THAT WAS DOWNRIGHT MEAN! :lol_hitti

To the OP: Remember, as in all forums, people will more often come to board to vent than to tell what is right. When all is well, we forget about complaints and problems. All in all, I doubt many of us would have forged through the rigors of nursing school and boards if we didn't TRULY want to be nurses, for more than the money.

To the people working for "years" and who think it is totally not worth it, Im sorry. :twocents: My two cents: I took the view that this career gives me the opportunity to work in whichever area I was drawn to. When in my first THREE months, I KNEW graveyard shifts on med surg was not for me, I applied elsewhere in the hospital. People were shocked that as a new nurse I was granted a transfer to an evening position on another unit. I wasn't. I truly wanted to work there. I heard it was the best floor to work on because it was the most supportive and had a mix of patients I was attracted to. I believe my attitude got me through the interview and though I had to stay in med surg for three more months, I am now working on my favored unit and I LOVE IT. In my humble opinion, I will love it in 12 years:saint:

If, after being cross trained to peds and mother baby units I find I am not happy or cut out for this area, which so far I highly doubt, I will move on to another area. I floated to observation unit a lot and I wouldn't mind trying that either.

OP, This is what I love:redpinkhe about nursing, the patients are for the most part thankful and wonderful to get to know. :smiletea: They each have unique stories and I rarely find ones I cannot get along with. I am a people person and I feel that is what makes me a good nurse. I try to fit in with them, not make them like me. I get lots of kudos, but even if I didn't, I go home knowing I did my best most days and I am satisfied.

If I ever feel this second career, which by the way I started in my mid forties, is not working out, I WILL move on. I learned a long time ago, Stuck is a rut in your mind, not a reality.

If nursing is your passion, you will be fine. You will also have days when you vent, and this is a better place for venting than it is for happiness. LOL :smilecoffeecup:

I do it now strictly for the money. Sorry, but I can't fake that I do it because it means so much to make someone's day or to be told thank you (I can count the times that has happened in my six years of nursing on one hand, anyway). Other nurses will turn on you, patient's and family will turn on you, you can't possibly meet every expactation and demand of all the people all the time (not even close) and no matter how hard you try you end up getting it spit back in your face. Everyone is looking for a lawsuit these days and the stress of contantly looking over your back gets you down after awhile. And if you think you have an employer who cares about you and will protect you think again...they will hang you out to dry faster than you can say "but yesterday you were going on and on about how you appreciated me."I've gone from a good-natured gentle person eager to help people to a cynical, bitter old woman who thinks things she never would have thought when she started in the business. Nurse Rachaud? You better believe it. Nurses who have been in the business awhile can understand what could make her the way she was... I'd rather go collect cans or wash dishes but who can live on that? I'm working my way out of this hell hole called nursing, though. I've taken steps to get my master's degree (definitely not in nursing) and maybe do some counseling and teach at a community college.

I have to side with motorcycle on this because I have been in the business for over 12 years now as an RN and a total of say maybe 15 working as an aid prior to being an RN. I started out with a GREAT attudide thinking that I am going to help others, make a difference and even get paid for it - yada, yada, yada..... Now - I'm wore down, have had 3 spine surgeries, have been turned on & etc after a work related injury - everything that motorcycle mentions. I have physically recovered for the most part on my own (no thanks to my previous employer). Back working at the bedside at a facility that does not see as much volume and a bit better staffing ratios not as much lifting - etc....

So...what makes me get up in the morning anymore??? Knowing that I'm another nurse back in school for a masters degree - something outside of nursing and that when I graduate and hopefully land a position that I am learning about now - I will NOT look back at bedside nursing again - EVER!!!

I just can't recommend this career knowing what I know and what I have been through. Nursing school (2 or 4 yr degrees) will show you the book work guaranteed BUT only scratch the surface of what you will "really need to know" on the floors, how to survive et al.

Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.
Cooper can say that because she's only been an RN for less than a year. You just wait

Geez! Well, I can say that too. I've been a nurse for 27 years, plus the time as an aide and a candystriper.

I like nursing.

I like going to work, and being challenged, and using my brain.

I like the adrenaline of a trauma stat. (I don't want you to get hurt, I just want to be there if you do).

I like the people I work with, even most of the docs. I outlast the ones I don't.

I like getting paid extra for working odd hours which fit my life and personality. Can't stand getting up at 5:30 AM.

My work has a significant purpose to it.

Had one family member ask how I could stand all the depressing things I had to see daily, as she stood by helplessly. I'm not helpless. :pumpiron: I do something, even if only manage pain at end of life, hug the family, etc.

I don't wait for the patient/family thank yous. Appreciate them yes, but that's not my real reward. That comes from the well done by people at my side who really know that we all just did something really great together, good teamwork.

Are there bad times? Is there a profession or a burger flipping job that doesn't have them? ANYBODY have a life with no bad times? This is the work world I choose to live in.

Specializes in LTAC, Homehealth, Hospice Case Manager.

I like nursing because I truely believe this is what I'm meant to do, my heart is in it...yes the paycheck & job security is nice, but not my main goal. I enjoy seeing really sick people progress to going home & knowing I had a part in that makes me feel good about what I do. Direct pt care is the main thing I enjoy. I've had too many jobs that left me feeling empty & nursing isn't that way for me. Yes it is hard, demanding, stressful, dirty work, but you can learn & grow. It's always changing & there's never a dead end in nursing. It's a diverse profession with endless possibilities. I'll be honest & admit I don't like my first job, but I can learn things there that can't be learned just anywhere & I can take that knowledge with me where ever I go...which is why I chose it. I believe it will make me a better nurse so that I can give my best to my pts. For me nursing also gives a sense of accomplishment in the fact that I waited many years & worked very hard to get to the point I'm at...even through all the BS, yeah, I like being a nurse!!!

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