What US State/s that does not require IELTS or TOEFL for NCLEX-RN Application?

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I am an international student from the Philippines but a US American citizen.

I have not taken the local board exam or IELTS/TOEFL.

Does anybody know what US State that does not require IELTS/TOEFL in order to apply for a NCLEX-RN?

Thank you for anyone who will give a reply.

Thanks allnurses.com ?

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

I would suggest before you do anything is check with the state you plan on living and working and check what is required when IEN and endorsing a license. Many states still require same requirements when endorsing if trained outside the US.

thankyou for you reply.

the thing is, i am not really familiar with some of the state requirements on their exam for nclex-rn.

i have no one in the united states who knows about taking the board exam.

only just few relatives who are busy and i'm not sure if they could help me.

they're are in California and I know California right now is not accepting nclex-rn applicants.

i'm am deciding on Florida or Nevada but both require an IELTS test score.

Also, I already have an SS number. Which is also a requirement.

Pick a state you want to live and work in. Go to that state board's website. The websites has information on the requirements to sit for NCLEX-RN examination.

Sorry to say but Nevada is require Local board license nd cgfns (ces)...

CA doesn't require you to take an English proficiency exam. The BON itself will evaluate your credentials and tell you if you need some more classes or if you're good to go.

I've never heard of State accepting RN applicants. Go to the CA BON website or go here Board of Registered Nursing - Licensure by Examination

scroll down and read the part about international licenses!

Good luck!

Thankyou for your reply.

Unfortunately, someone told me that they no longer accept nclex-rn application in California.

I am a US Citizen but a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing here in the Philippines.

I did not take the Local Nursing board exam because it will not be valid since I am an american citizen according to some of the people I asked.

All of their stories are very different that is why I am asking our fellow experienced nurses here if anyone know's what state in the US that will not require IELTS/TOEFL/CGFNS.

Specializes in L&D, Nursery, and Post-Partum.

Just out of curiosity, is there any reason you don't want to take the IELTS or TOEFL?

So far, the only western coast State not enforcing the concurrency rules is OR.

Yes, as mentioned above, NV just started to require any international applicant must provide a copy of the local country's license for verification, effective Jan. 2013. Here's a link to NV about the local license and why.... click: https://allnurses.com/nurse-registration/local-nursing-license-793566.html

miraree said:
Thankyou for your reply.

Unfortunately, someone told me that they no longer accept NCLEX-RN application in California.

I am a US Citizen but a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing here in the Philippines.

I did not take the Local Nursing board exam because it will not be valid since I am an american citizen according to some of the people I asked.

All of their stories are very different that is why I am asking our fellow experienced nurses here if anyone know's what state in the US that will not require IELTS/TOEFL/CGFNS.

Not true, a USC can take the local PH exam despite the application form, there are other USC or of dual-C's that simply didn't check off the citizenship box and still took and passed the local PH exam.

It's more to your benefit to take the local exam as since many USC have done so and it can make your application into other State's as "suspect" if other PH in your same status (citizen-wise) try to explain off the reason for not taking the PH exam is that you weren't allowed to due to PH rules or some other reason, like visa issues or had to go back home excuses.

Bama RN said:
Just out of curiosity, is there any reason you don't want to take the IELTS or TOEFL?

No reason so far. I just want to go straight on taking the NCLEX-RN. But if I found a state that does not require IELTS/TOEFL, then I will go for that state.

miraree said:
No reason so far. I just want to go straight on taking the NCLEX-RN. But if I found a state that does not require IELTS/TOEFL, then I will go for that state.

Since for now, FL is the one possible state you mentioned that you like to apply into, given you don't have a local PH license, as both CA and NV require them, as Silverdragon mentioned, then that's the state you will settle into for many years to work and play?

My reason for my comment is that as long as you don't plan to try to endorse (transfer) your FL license back into CA or NV, as you will still need to pass the particular State's same requirements that you don't want to have to go thru at this present time and then you just end up wasting more money (for application fees and other exam fees, all non-refundable expenses) and more time (to pass the English exam and waiting for results) and if you don't have a local PH license, by the time, you get your FL license, you're back to square one and getting denied (lack of a PH license).

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