I have a tech at work who I'll call Sarah. She is a really good tech. The problem is that she has an attitude with me. I have reported her at least twice and nothing ever gets done. It goes like this:
I always get my own admission VS, post-op, post cath, and blood VS. I very rarely ask a tech to do anything for me. They know what they are supposed to do and they do it. Yesterday I had a new patient that the physician had sent up from his office, he wasn't even allowed to stop at admitting, dx: viral meningitis. He was 80 years old and I was told that his temp was 103 and that I was to immediately start an IV, order labs, give IV Phenergan, get VS, etc, etc..... At the same time I had another admit come up from the ER. I asked Sarah to get the vital signs on the first patient while I was starting the IV. She brought the dinemapp in the room and said "since you're in here you can get them" I said no Sarah get the VS, she said " do you want me to show you how to operate the equipment, is that the problem?" and she promptly left the room. I was not only furious but embarassed in front of the patients family. I told my assistant nurse manager and she didn't say much.
This is the 3rd such similar incident with this CNT in about 3 months time. I have spoken to her directly also with no results. Any suggestions? What I'm thinking about is asking for a confrontation in the nurse managers office.
I would like to tell her that I think she does a good job but do not appreciate her reluctance to do something that I ask her to do because I only ask when it's really needed. I would like to tell her that she needs a refresher on what her job description entails. Should I mention that I am her superior, well that's not the word I want to use but you know, I'm over her, in charge......?
I want to tell her that if she wants to give the orders that she should go to school and get her nursing license. Thanks for any advice you can offer. We both work tomorrow and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks.