:flamesonb I have an ethical issue to address...I am a nursing student and work as a CNA while going to school. I work in a nursing home with several people who I also attend school with.
Recently one of the nurses I work with was suspended w/o pay because she had been caught not passing her meds. She was signing off on all meds, but only passing her narcs. At this time it seems as though our DON has NOT reported her to the state board of nursing. I am furious because she is coming back to work tomorrow. I feel like she shouldn't be doing ANY nursing at all because even though no one was 'harmed' the potential was there to do great harm!
I am now considering filing a formal complaint myself. I have checked it out and know that I can remain annonymous. I have spoke with several other CNA's and nurses at the facility and we are all pretty much on the same page... pissered off that nothing seems to be happening.
So...what would you do?