62% to a 65% ? What !!@!

Nursing Students Online Learning



So I am scheduled for NC5 in the morning. Obviously this is a deadline for me with the 30th looming. I took form a of the ECE practice exam BEFORE I studied anything. And I mean I studied. Opening and closing the library,getting to work early and staying over 3-4 hours every day. How could I go from a 62% to only a 65% ? I don't get it. I am sooo upset because I actually prepared for this. I took the 267 question test in the back of the TCN guide and got an 80 % which only confused me more. Given that ECE gives the test I am more inclined to go with their assessment. Any thoughts or advice? If I have to start over with the new curriculum or at a local school it will break my heart. I wouldn't feel bad if I hadn't tried so hard. :scrying:

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

I never got out of the 70s on the practice exams, for the most part, and got almost all A's on the exams. Remember -- the second test is a different test with different questions, so don't fret if your score doesn't go up that much on the second one.

You'll pass.

Deep breaths.


Specializes in Pediatrics/Adult Float Pool.

Agreed with the other 2 girls...you've studied. You've prepared. You've taken the quizzes, read and reread the material. Now, take a deep breath, go to bed at a decent hour tonight. Get up and get a good cup of coffee and a solid breakfast in you and GO PASS THAT TEST! Just stay calm and focus...when all else fails, break the question down, make sure you know what it's asking. Get rid of the answers that you know can't be right and if nothing else, take a stab at it. By then, you've got a 50/50 chance, right? But, most importantly, stay calm! You can do it!

Specializes in L&D, Maternal Fetal Medicine, LTC.

My recommendations---review what youve gotten wrong....skim over your notes again...and TAKE IT! I took HDLS2 a few weeks ago and passed with an A....after a 69 first time around and 65 second time around. Good luck!

Well I'm up. Went to bed at 10:30 and I'll be driving over to the test site soon. Thanx guys for everything and I'll come back and drop a note as soon as I get to work. :D

I got a C. Not thrilled but I'll take it. And for my next trick, I will make the CPNE disappear.

Specializes in Pediatrics/Adult Float Pool.

hey, way to go!! it must be a wonderful feeling to know that this part is behind you! now, like you said, focus on the cpne and become a gn!!! good luck, and


Specializes in Emergency, Case Management, Informatics.

Congrats on the pass! NC5/Lifespan 2 was crazy for me. Failed it twice and passed on the third go around last Friday. I would have loved to have made a C the first time rather than paying $700 to pass it. ;)

I'm with you on making the CPNE disappear. All I need is the FCCA and a 3-credit Humanities course (thinking about CLEP'ing Analzying and Interpreting Literature for the easy way out).

Congrats again! We're almost done! :D

Specializes in LTC.

WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!! You did it!!!!!!

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