Updated: Jan 29 Published May 29, 2018
8 Posts
I am 2 years out of school and michigan has a time limit of 2 years to take and pass the NCLEX-PN. I called The state board and they recommend going through another state to avoid going back to school. What states do not have a time limit that I can go to and take my test?
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Google is your friend
Sour Lemon
5,016 Posts
Most BONs have a good amount of information online. Taking more than two years to pass NCLEX is uncommon, so you might have to do the groundwork yourself.
Because of finances and a lot of home repairs I was unable to take it. I plan on doing the research I just put this question up while at work to see if anyone knew.
1,303 Posts
Not sure which states have a time limit, but since you have been out of nursing school for a long time, it will be very challenging to pass the boards. Definitely would reccommend a live review course and perhaps a nurse refresher course. You have been out of school for a long time and just reviewing questions may not be sufficient. In some states you may have to repeat school. If you do find a state and test, and pass, it will be hard to find a new grad job since you may not be considered a new grad. Before testing, you will want to see which states have reciprocity and if they do, what are the requirements for reciprocity.
Good Luck.
I called the Michigan board of nursing and they recommended I go through a different state and then apply for a license by endorsement. I am going to go that route. I will make more calls before I make my decision as to which state. I may do a live review before the day but I cannot affird to redo it all. I have been studying all along to keep it fresh.
4 Posts
I have never heard of such a restriction in Ohio. Head south!
1 Post
Did you ever find an answer?
Yes I did. I ended up testing through Indiana. They had 3 year limit. I passed first try.