What is a real nurse?????

Nurses General Nursing


I'm a little "steamed" as I write this but I need to vent, so here goes....Today when I went on duty I was relieving a young lady that made a comment that just "ruffled my feathers". My husband and I frequently work on the same unit, I am the charge nurse and he is a Q.M.A. (Qualified Medicine Aid) She was rattling on and on and said, "I am getting so tired of being a glorified QMA. I didn't go to school for 4 years to pass meds and do treatments all day. I want to be a real nurse!!!" Now, my question is, "What is a real nurse?" Is it not part of our jobs to administer medications to those who need them, or do treatments? Since when does doing this make us not real nurses? I really think the point she was flaunting was that she was a 4 year RN and he was "just a QMA" and could do the trivial work to free her up for better things. If he had not been my spouse I would have jumped in with a nice long speech about how that if she didn't feel she was a real nurse, she could go into another field of nursing. We work in LTC facility for the elderly and I'll admit we don't get much "heart pumping action" but nursing is all about holding the hands of the sick, dealing with them physically, mentally and very often, spiritually. I am a 20 year nurse and her statement made me sizzle inside. And I'm fairly certain she doesn't consider me a "real nurse" as I am an LPN but what she thinks really doesn't bother me for I am the one that holds the hand, gives the pills and powders the bottoms that need it and I love it. I just didn't quite understand what she felt a real nurse was???? I admire those of you with a greater level of education than myself, but I'd almost bet that most of you would respect my 20+ years of experience too, so what was her point here? I'd appreciate your insight. As I said, if my spouse hadn't been the QMA I would have gotten invloved but I sorta feel like she was hoping for that, so she could say we shouldn't be working together, which we have done for years. What do you think...is there a point here I'm missing or was she just trying to rattle my chains and get my dander up?

"Qualified Medicine Aid" QMA.

When I read that I had to re-read it several times, to see if I had that correct. Is is just me or does anyone else find that term insulting to nursing? We do a H ELL of alot more than just pass meds.

If this were in a different post we would be slamming that term.

One who touches people in a way that benefits them and makes a positive difference in their lives. It's what's in your heart and what you give to your patients that truely makes you a "real nurse." I often enjoy hearing comments from the residents I take care of like, "Here comes my favorite nurse!" or "Thank God you're my nurse tonight." And "Will you be back tonight to take care of me?" But my favorite is the one my mom told me. She was living at my house and I was taking care of her! She said, "You truely are a wonderful nurse..." I guess she never really knew how much compassion I put into being a nurse until she was in my care. Parents...sheesh!

The term Qualified Medicine Aid struck me in a funny way also. What's up with that? I've never heard of a med nurse called a QMA. Is that something new? Gosh I hope not...What an insult to us "real nurses!":(

Not all states recognize a QMA (Qualified Medicine Aid) They are between a CNA and LPN. They are trained to pass certain meds but none that are controlled. They cannot do anything invasive, such as injections, blood sugars, etc. They are also limited on the treatments thay can do, no open areas. QMA's can be trained to do some of the above listed tasks, if the facility they work at permits it. They may only pass a PRN med if a nurse signs for it. We have many excellent QMA's where I work and they really do ease the burden on the nurses if there isn't enough nurses to cover the halls. To be honest with you, I would rather work with my husband who is a 10 year QMA, than many of the nurses I have seen at my work place recently. I followed a nurse yesterday, that has 20+ years experience. I could not believe the mess she left me to clean up. She lost an inhaler, but I found it in another residents room after I had ordered another to replace it. I couldn't find several of my treatment ointments, they were left on the nurse aid cart....why were they there to begin with??? She neglected to tell me that I had a resident that had fallen and needed neuro checks q. shift. She signed that she did a treatment, but I took my own dressing off from the night before. She took off a doctors order but forgot to order the med. I'm certain there's more but right now I'm too tired to think of them. The scary part is, her usual job is training the CNA's that take their classes in our facility. When I complained about the mess I was left with, I was told, "Well you have to cut her some slack, she's not used to working the floor anymore." Well if she cannot do any better than that, maybe she needs to be reoriented as to what it is that we do all day long!!! Anyways, back to the QMA, they are very helpful even though they are limited. I do know that many states do not have them. My husband has furthered his status and is frequently in charge of a hall. I keep trying to get him to go to nursing school but he says he doesn't want to deal with all the stress and paperwork that I have....he may be the smart one!

I always felt like our LPN's get shortchanged at our facility. The only thing they can't do that an RN can is get blood out of the blood bank. Otherwise, they are able to everything an RN does. The LPN's at our facility get paid at least $3 less a hour than an RN with similar experience. A few of the LPN's have more experience and wisdom than I do, but I get paid better for doing the same job. Go figure.


I have been an ADN for 2 1/2 year and recently graduated with my BSN. In one of my classes to get my BSN my instructor told me that I was now I was in school to "learn how to be a REAL NURSE". Naturally, I was furious! I hate that phrase!!! This women had never seen me outside of the classroom an assumed that because I only had a 2 year degree that I was inferior to her PHD (which means Piled Higher and Deeper right?)

My point is, I don't feel that it matters a whole heck of a lot what 3 letters you have after your name. If you don't enjoy seeing the smile on someones face because you rubbed their feet or held their hand or some other "small and meaningless task", well then why are you in nursing. Those are the things people remember.

I am not saying that education is not important, it is a vital necessity, but I have never heard a patient say "my nurse has every theory of nursing from the dark ages till now memorized!" But I have heard, "she listened to me when I angry and that meant a lot" or "she remembered to bring me my tissue", "he really brightened my day with his sense of humor"

When we get wrapped up in degrees and letters we forget the real reason we get up and butt crack of dawn or stay up all night; we are there for the patients. If they did not need help, we would not be there. You can not teach this in a million years of school, it is either lost or found in the "little" jobs.


So, pardon my stupidity, this co-worker stated she went to school for 4 years to become a QMA? That is why I thought she was a RN.

Obviously I was not aware of what a QMA was, we dont have them in my state.

Originally posted by PhantomRN

So, pardon my stupidity, this co-worker stated she went to school for 4 years to become a QMA? That is why I thought she was a RN.

Obviously I was not aware of what a QMA was, we dont have them in my state.

It's very possible that in other states the same initials are used in a different context. In Indiana, a QMA has only 6 months training and they are not licensed but certified. That is why a nurse must sign for much of what they cannot do. I would be interested to know if any of the other states have Qualified Medicine Aids? I had never heard of them till I came to Indiana.

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