What does "maintain foley to dd" mean?

Nurses General Nursing


Its a question in a case study with this doctor's order and I can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks!

Specializes in Case Management.
Its a question in a case study with this doctor's order and I can't find the answer anywhere. Thanks!

Just a guess; dependent drainage??

Just a guess; dependent drainage??
That was my guess; I've more often seen it written as gravity drain though.

I've heard "down drainage".


Thank you! I think that is it. Makes sense because it is about a UTI.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Yep, dependent drainage

Specializes in Med-Surg, Wound Care.

Always thought it was direct drainage, as compared to leg bag.

Specializes in ob/gyn med /surg.

dd = down drain.... the order means keep the foley below the bed to down drain.... in my charting when a patient has a foley cath .. "i chart foley cath to dd yellow urine". ....it's so the urine dosen't back up into their bladder and possibly go to their kidneys...

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