What is a "Code Black"?

Nurses General Nursing


On the previews for next week's Grey's Anatomy they were talking about having a "Code Black". What is this?

Ours is tornado, but its Dr.Black instead of Code Black. Its gets me confused sometimes cause it catches you off guard. When they say "Paging Dr. Black", it takes me a minute to register its not an actual person.

I have a problem in this show and others where they try to show nurses in an authentic light, that they and those other shows have doctors in charge of nurses and their issues, when it is NURSES in charge of nursing issues. Other than that, not a bad show....

The guy in Grey's Anatomy about who is the cause of the code black has a home made bazooka shell in his gut. By sticking her hand into the guy Meredith is holding the grenade stable and therefore preventing it from exploding.

I thought they portrayed the Paramedic more like a flunky then a health care professional. Too bad - I really enjoy the show but am frequently amazed at how "off" it is. Like a gaggle of surgeons hanging outside the ER waiting to pick-off the scraps. :chuckle

A sidenote to the bazooka episode - when I was in the navy working in Radiology I came across a film (x-ray) that showed a mortar round in a guys chest cavity. The Chief told me that the film was shot in Viet Nam, it was a marine who had the round drop on him without detonating. The story is that the surgeon removed it while operating with his hands inserted through sandbags. :eek:

:rolleyes: hmmm... in my hospital, we don't even have a code black... (?) our weapons threat is code silver.

For us, it means a REALLY bad case of diarrhea that needs to be cleaned up STAT.

In Oklahoma it means severe weather :eek: and I have been at work during several of them. We have to get ALL the patient's out of their rooms, close the patient room doors and get them into the center of the building away from the windows. Some you have to push into the hallway in their bed or a wheelchair.

:rolleyes: hmmm... in my hospital, we don't even have a code black... (?) our weapons threat is code silver.

:chuckle :roll Too FUNNY!!

Specializes in CNA/ ALF & Hospital.
On the previews for next week's Grey's Anatomy they were talking about having a "Code Black". What is this?
It means Bomb Threat:chuckle :chuckle

in ems it is a doa/person who is dead and not a candidate for resuscitation.

Knowing the writing on that show,it probably means a stupid nurse broke a black pen on a chart or something !

Hi then what is a code Brown???

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